Another Update on Kelly Young
I just wanted to let everyone know that I talked to Kelly's husband again. Kelly had just gotten through walking and was just too tired to talk on the phone. He said that so far, she is doing great. The surgeon has been really impressed with how well she is doing. She had her barium test this morning and was waiting on the surgeon to say it was okay for her to start on ice chips. She was ready to start sucking on ice chips because her mouth is really dry. As far as they know, she could be going home tomorrow but definitely will be home on Friday. I told them that I wouldn't bother her anymore but would try calling her this weekend just to see if she is home yet and to see how she is doing. He said she isn't in too much pain and while we were on the phone they unhooked her from the morphine pump.
Please continue to keep her in your prayers as she continues to recover. I told him to let her know that we are all praying for her.