Hi Cee Cee!
Congratulations on the 30 pounds lost! How are you feeling?
Can you eat pureed meat? I can't eat meat and the doctor told me yesterday not to worry about it. I sometimes have dreams where I am eating a steak. Silly huh?
I love you and praising God for your 30 pound loss!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Hi Lynda. I'm so glad you are all right. The Lord must have been helping you drive that car! Quick thinking on your part to call 911. I'm praying for you that you can easily and as painlessly as possible pass the other two stones.
I had physical therapy this morning, stopped and got some meds, and am now relaxing for a while before going over to my grandsons' house. I help work with my 4 year-old grandson while my 8-year-old grandson does his homework with his mom. It's fun for me, and I'm hoping my younger grandson is having fun "playing."
Here are my answers to the QOD's. Thanks for thinking of them, Lynda.
1. How far out from surgery are you or how long until you have surgery?
20 months (4/27/04) from my first open RNY. 5 months tomorrow (8/12/05) from my second open RNY. That's enough already!
2. Were you overweight as a child? Yes. My boy cousins called me "Piggy Peggy" and I hated it! I slimmed up in my teen years and weighed a little less than 140 lbs., which at 5' 6" was pretty good. However, my older sister who is the same height weighed only 115 lbs. I felt like a cow beside her!
3. What is your most tolerated food? SF popsicles. Cheese and crackers.

Oh my!!! I heard that kidney stones are no joke! Actually, I was told for a man, it is the closest he will come to the pain of childbirth. Thank God you didn't get in an accident!
My day was uneventful. I am working for that estate company I told you about. It's ok. They gave me a huge project. I made sure to remind him that I won't be here after Monday. His response, "Oh s**t, I forgot!!" I just raised my eyebrows at that!! We have 200 people that filed claims against the company when they filed for bankruptcy. He wants me to verify each claim. Yeah right!! So far, I made a pretty speadsheet on Excel.
Yesterday went well. I had my final doctors appt. All my tests came back great! Even my cholesterol was only 146. Isn't God amazing? Speaking of which, I got that chance to witness to someone in the waiting room. He is having his surgery the same day as me and he said, "are you afraid?" and I said, "of what?" He said, "of dying?" I said, "nope." He said, "I am. You're not afraid at all?" I said, "well for me it is a win win situation, you see I'm a Chrisitan and one of two things is going to happen; I'm either going to wake up and be on my way to a new thinner life or I am going to open my eyes up in Heaven. Either way, I excited!" I think he was taken aback by my response. When I went to leave he said, "See ya in ICU Monday." I said, "Oh, you won't see me there, I'll be in the step down unit. I'm optimistic God is going to take care of me!" His response...."Well can you send your husband down to talk to me then?"
1. 5 MORE DAYS BABY!!!!!!!
2. I wasn't really overweight, but I was always in the 95th percentile for my height.
3. Unfortunatly for me everything right now. Everytime I go to the store I am tempted to pick up junk because I feel like it will be the last time I can indulge. I was able to say, "no" to everything except a pint of Ben & Jerry's...I had to give a formal "goodbye" to my boys. "Ben....Jerry....I will miss you both."

Dawn, Hello! My surgery twin! I had my pre-ops today , and the ultrasounds found that all was well, so no liver problems, and the gall-bladder can stay in. Got all ???s answered, and on and on the day went! Aside from all the pain in the walking, it was a great day! It felt as if God was just affirming it all, and I am now READY!! Surgery starts at 7:30 Mon morning. Had to laugh as I identified with the wanting to grab everything on the store shelves! I have gained 5lbs in the last 3 wks. suffering the same thing!! I went to the Boise co-op, " the natural, organic, health-food, "COOL-THINGS STORE" today after my appts., and found every UN-HEALTHY goodie that had found it's sneaky way onto hidden shelves!!
I praise God, Dawn, for your witness to the man in the waiting room. Thank you Jesus for Dawns sweet testimony, and I pray for that man and his need to know your sweet peace in salvation. May Dawn and her husband be a witness to him again through this time at the hospital. Praise you Lord for your loving this man, for you put him there at that moment to speak with Dawn!! Amen. Love you Dawn, and I will continue to pray for you as we both begin this journey together. Kathy B.

Hi Lynda! I am just now getting back to the computer, as I was in Boise last night, and had my pre-op stuff today. It was a great day as Dr. Oakley answered ALL of my concerns, and I just came away so confident and ready to go!!! Had to do lots of walking, to and I was hurting all over!! So when I finally got home at 6pm, I just sank into bed, and DH had to get his own supper. Napped on and off for about2 hrs. Wow, I will sure be thankful when this extra load on my poor bones begins to come off for good!!!
. I praise God that his presence was with you on that freeway, Lynda!! I will be praying for you, and for those other stones to pass peacefully. My husband suffers from stones all the time, dt a stricture in the ureter from birth, and subsequent damage, and he just seems to be a stone producer. Now, tho, he passes them without intense pain as in the past. I remember, tho in the early years when I thought he was dying!! He would just be rithing on the floor, and nothing in pain meds would touch it!! Oh, how thankful I am that in spite of such agony, you were able to get off the road. God Bless you, Lynda. Lord, heal Lynda's body and protect her from future episodes. Thank-you Lord for your loving and protecting hand in our lives!! Questions of the day:: I was born fat, and struggled with it from than on!! I did not arrive in the serious dept. until after my 1st pregnancy, however, and increased life stresses which I handled with more food!! Only 4 more days and a wake-up until my surgery!! Sadly, at this point I tolerate ALL foods very well!!
God bless you all, Kathy B