Hi Cindy!!! Now that I'm not working with my old employer, I'm not on the computer early enough to do roll call. Maybe I'll get up Monday and start it. (we'll see how soft that pillow feels though)
I have a praise report!!! I started a new job today, you may remember me talking about it earlier. They are paying me $4 more an hour than the other place. I am doing accounts payable. (What a great job for a girl...writing out checks for a living!!) ANYWAY, my boss comes in my office today and says, "So why is it that you can't work after the 16th?" So I told him about the surgery and that I would need about 3 weeks to recover. Guess what he said?? He said, "Well, if you want to come back here after your doctor clears you we will pay your cobra every month until you leave." WOW!!
1. How long have you known Jesus as your personal Savior? for about 8 years. I grew up in church but it wasn't until I reached total depravity that I opened the door that He had been knocking on for so long.
2. In what area do you feel the Lord's calling upon your life? MUSIC! I love to sing at church. I get so excited. I feel as though the whole congregation disapears and I am singing strait to God.
3. What is your favorite season of the year, and why? Spring. I love the new flowers and the smell of fresh cut grass. I enjoy watching my dogwood trees sprout new buds. Summer is a close second. I have a built in pool and we have so much fun. Every Sunday after church there is an unspoken invitation to come to our house. We play Christian music real loud and have a blast in the pool.
10 more days

Hi fellow Christian brothers and sisters! Thanks for getting things started again, Cindy. I agree with the rest of you that it is so nice to see new names and faces popping up here. Hey, if you haven't gotten your pictures on your profiles yet, I hope you all do that. It is so nice to see your face when you post something.
I am feeling a little down today, but I'm doing okay. Our little 20 1/2 year old kitty, Cookie, got very sick early yesterday afternoon, and we had to have her put to sleep last night. My DH and I just held her and thanked her for all that she gave to us, and I thanked God for giving her to us. She was such a precious little thing, and I'm really going to miss her. I sure hope God has a place for all our special animals. Do you think He does?
Here are my answers to the QOD:
1. How long have you known Jesus as your personal Savior? When I was 14 years old....about 42 years ago.
2. In what area do you feel the Lord's calling upon your life? Music...singing....leading the congregation during the worship portion at church. I always knew that I would one day be a singer. I always loved to sing praises to God. When we joined our current church about 10 years ago, God put a microphone in my hands for the first time in my life. It was a perfect fit. Now I can praise Him and also lead others in praising Him. It just doesn't get any better than that!
3. What is your favorite season of the year, and why? Spring. New Life. Rebirth. I feel like the year really begins at Easter when we celebrate the risen Lord, Jesus Christ.

1. How long have you known Jesus as your personal Savior? I always loved the Lord as long as I can remember. I used to bug my mom to drop me off at Sunday school even if she was going. It was when I visited a friend's church that I found out you needed to be saved!! I was so upset with my Methodist church, they NEVER told me that! I accepted the Lord at 12 years old in 1968.
2. In what area do you feel the Lord's calling upon your life? Very interesting question. I have a growing excitment that He might use me to minister to others struggling with obesity. I am starting a 14 week lay counseling training class at my church. I don't want to run off with this on my own. My church is over 3, 000 people. They have ministries for everything. So I really would appreciate your prayers. I want to be in His timing. I always say "I know His voice" I do, but that usually means when He says "NO". I am much more confident about what NOT to do, then I am to feel confident about DOING. I have about 17 people meeting for coffee tomorrow, most from this website and word of mouth. It was not promoted as a christian based get-together. I feel excitment about the possiblies and yet I feel like I want to be fully guided by the Holy Spirit. I have such a passion for prayer. When I see someone hurt or confused, what else can I offer except Jesus? I have nothing else. I want to just start a WLS support group that is Christ centered, but it needs to be HIM, not me. Again, I am asking for prayer. Love you guys!!!!!!
3. What is your favorite season of the year, and why? I love fall. I love the dramatic changes. The fall colors and smells. Since I hate showing my flab, I love it when I can be fully clothed and not look like a complete nut. I spend all summer trying to cover up with dark colors.
Hello! It's 1:23am Sat!!, but I am answering Friday's roll call. Better late than never? #1 I have known Jesus as my Savior since I was 8 yrs. old, and never doubted that he was MY PERSONAL God!! So, I have been in his hands for 49 yrs!! I have not always been faithful, but he has never failed Me!! #2 He has called my whole being, and blessed me with a call to teach children. I have also been called to "be there" for others in times of need. God really used me as a stay-at-home Mom, and I am so grateful for those ministry opportunities!! #3 I LOVE!!!! SPRING!!! New life, renewal, promises of color, wonderful fragrances, romantic evenings, picnics with my Sunday School kids, tea parties, ect. ect. I have a yearly tradition that when the ornamental plum tree comes in bloom, I take a lounge chair over there, with a cool drink, a light throw, and a good book. I read until i'm really relaxed, and than take a nice long nap under that glorious fuscia conopy with it's fragrance straight from Heaven!!