I want to encourage everyone to feel welcome to start Roll Call. ANYONE can start it! I remember feeling alittle funny the first time I started it, too. If having to come up with questions causes you to be scared to try it....you don't HAVE to come up with questions. It's better for us to continue with Roll Call with no questions on a couple of days then to not have it at all, right? I am so excited with how much this board has grown...not only in number but in geniune love for each other....that can only come from our Jesus. I try to come onto the board at least once a day, and it is usually late evening when I do. I wish I had time to respond to each and every post, but I try to pray over them even though I may not respond in writing. I praise God that I am able to be active now, yet, I don't want to ever become so "active" that I can not come onto this board. You guys have been family to me through this journey and I love you all and look forward to spending eternity with you....then face to face!
Love you all! God bless! Love, Cindy
1. How long have you known Jesus as your personal Savior?
2. In what area do you feel the Lord's calling upon your life?
3. What is your favorite season of the year, and why?

1. Since, Saturday, September 7th, 1985. Thank You, Lord Jesus!
2. I love kids. We minister five days a week at our youth center in town. My husband and I also have a marriage ministry birthed out of our "valley" experience in 1990-1991.
3. I really like them all in some way, but I really love summer, because of all the outdoor things to do. NOW I will be able to do them again! PTL! I love the excitement of Spring...all the new birth around and the smell of the air! I love the burning leaves in the Fall, and I love Christmas, but once Christmas is over, I am ready for Spring!

Hi Cindy and all!
I don't get to answer every post either, mainly because I am usually here before noon and don't make it bac****il the next day so I miss the evening posts. It is exciting to see the new folk joining in!
Okay, the questions:
1. I came to know the Lord personally when I was 12 yrs old. Guess that makes 44 years.
2. My main calling is as wife and mother...now grandmother. I am open to whatever else I am led to do and that has been various things over the years.
3. The Fall! Partly because, much as I love summer, by the end of August I am wore out with the heat! Fall is long and lingering where I currently live.
Good morning Cindy!!!
I've been wanting to start it and yes have felt funny about it.
But I promise you I'll find the courage very soon!
I love you my dear sister and Thanks for doing Roll Call today!!!
Ok here are my answers...
1. How long have you known Jesus as your personal Savior? I've known him since April 2001 when I started working here with my boss at State Farm Insurance. I didn't accept him in my heart until August of 2002. I know the Lord gave me this job to get to know him better through my boss...
2. In what area do you feel the Lord's calling upon your life? Singing. I love singing praise and worship music but I'm just too shy to do it in public. I think it's time to start praying about it. I was in the church choir back in 2003 but was ever self conscious back then and quit after a few weeks.
3. What is your favorite season of the year, and why? mmmm it's actually winter but since I've lost 153 lbs and become more active and I REALLY WANT TO BE OUT THERE, I'm going to change it to Spring and summer...ok, ok, I love them all!!!
Is that ok??
please? pretty please?

Hey girly!!
I love to sing too. Back in 1998 I took a gift test and scored high on music. I knew it was singing that made me score so high. People have told me a sang nice, but that was when I was at work "humming" to the radio. One day our friend called me. He was preaching that Sunday and he said he felt the Lord leading him to ask me to sing "Jesus, lover of my soul." How was I going to say no? He had never heard me sing anything, yet he asked me. I sang the whole song with me eyes closed, but it was great. I was able to let down all the walls of worry I had let build up. Since then I have sang about 30-40 solos and I love it. Just know that if God has given you an ability to praise Him through song. If you don't utilize that ability, you are ignoring a blessing He has given you. Take a step of faith and a walk onto the stage and do a "spiritual Nike"..."Just do it!!"
Love ya,
OH WOW!!! Thank you for your encouraging words!!
Dawn, I've been meaning to email/call you but since my coowrker is on vacation I'm here alone SWAMPED. I want to THANK YOU for the worship CD! I know I've thanked you already but I want to thank you again!
The #1 song is stand and I've listened to the words of this song and for some reason it has become MY FAVORITE ONE!!!
It goes like this....."What do you do when you've done all you can.....you just STAND" I love it!! don't know all of it YET, but I'm sure I will soon.
Love you!!

THAT song was the reason I sent you the CD!!! We were in the middle of emailing each other about your ex and I left for lunch. On my way back to work I threw in a cd and that was the first song. When it got to a certain part I couldn't stop thinking about you. Here's the lyrics to that part:
"Tell me how do you handle the guilt of your past
Tell me how do you deal with the shame
And how can you smile while your heart has been broken
And filled with pain filled with pain
Tell me what do you give when you've given your all
And it seems like you can't make it through
Child you just stand when there's nothing left to do
You just stand watch the Lord see you through
Yes after you've done all you can, you just stand"
Didn't I tell you that those were the perfect songs to turn the sound all the way up and just cry out to God and before you know it, you will be SHOUTING!!
Love ya!!
How long have you know Jesus as your personal Savior??
wow...i don't remember...I think about 10yrs or better.
In what area do you feel the Lord's calling upon your life??
this is an easy one to answer....God has called me into preaching/prison ministry...I have been in prison ministry for a little over a year.
What is your favorite season of the year, and why?
the fall...with out a doubt....it is the time of the year when it feels like God is saying "good job done, now lets take a break" it feels very peaceful to me.
Though I was raised going to church weekly, I did not give my life over to Jesus Christ as my savior until 1997. I feel my calling is to be an example for my nieces and nephews, who all live near me now that I moved back to live on the family farm. My brothers and sisters are not Christians and their children are "lost". I am not married and have no children, so I dedicate a lot of my time with them. We have lots of fun doing crafts and shopping and just spending weekend time together. My prayer is they simply see how I am living my life and it will make an impression on them. I try to take them to church with me when they want to, one nephew truly enjoys it! I love autumn, when the cool air starts moving in and all the colors start changing.
I'm so happy to be part of this OH message board. Freedom in Christ is so wonderful. How blessed we are to be living in a country where we can speak freely about our beliefs.
Cynthia S.