Question...ladies only!!
Dawn, I thought I was through "the change" and what happens the day after surgery.....a period! Surprise, Surprise.
Stress is one thing, but they also do a lot of "instrumentation" in your abdomen, move around some things obviously and clean around with saline.....all this attention to the area can stimulate your feminine side....
Don't fret too much about it....

I was the type of person who wouldn't get a period for months because of my weight. I remember I had to take birth control pills in order to get one. Guess what? a few days after my WLS I got my period! I felt "normal" when I got it and for me it was actually a "cool feeling".
Not too long ago I was getting it TWICE per month for 2 months straight and it drove me crazy! What I started doing is I started taking birth control pills and skipped the sugar pills and now I'm back to once a month for the first time in 2 months.
Hang in there and try not to stress. I know that stress had a lot to do with me getting mine right after surgery.
I love you!

Dawn, just read of your concerns about your womanhood showing during surgery. Also read the other responses, and I can't add anything to them! But I will say this; as a nurse with some experience behind me, I assure you that it will be no big deal except to you. The staff is understanding and used to all sorts of embarrassing situations that come up for the patient, and sometimes themselves! They have their own vulnerabilities, too, being human, and you will find you are treated with respect and concern. I understand your getting focused on the little things right now, as we share the same surgery date!! I will think of you each time I pray about the surgery, and pray for you, too. It's an interesting thing, I have found myself being more outgoing, and spontaneous in my behavior, just thinking and anticipating the freedom that is going to come with the wt. loss, and more importantly, the joy of not being a slave to my obese body and unhealthy food needs!! Have you found that? I hope you will spend some time on it, and invision the gloriousness of it all!! That will help take your mind off of the little things! Love you lots!! Kathy B.