I guess it's time to ask
First, let me say that I have grown to love each and every one of you on this board. Individually you have each blessed my life beyond words.
As of today I have 12 days until my surgery. I can't believe it. People said, "it's gonna come up fast". I thought, "yeah right, I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas...it's NEVER going to get here." Well guess who was right? NOT me! LOL I can't believe next Monday I will be on the loosing side!!! Nick and I went grocery shopping Monday and we bought quite a bit, it wasn't until today that I realized I bought groceries to cook dinner every night leading up to my date! Had I thought of that in advance I would have been careful to pick out good ol' favorites.
So, for my question...who's going to be my angel? I want you all to be, but that's just selfish.
Wow!! I guess I AM loved...lol. Here's what I'll do because I love all of you!! I will give all of you my home number, address, hospital address, and hospital number. You can ALL call me OR if you feel inspired; jump on a plane and see me!
Since Lynda was the first to respond to my invitation, I would like to ask her to be the one to post here on the OH site on my behalf. I think that should work out well right?
In all honesty, I think this is wonderful. I hope that I get to speak to each one of you on the phone...ask Steph..I can talk...for hours...lol. Don't know if it will be easy with tubes coming out of me, but I will try.
11 more days

My precious Dawn,
I am so honored that you want me to be your angel (among many!). I was out of town yesterday at my grandmother's funeral so I didn't do any posting but you were on my heart.
I will be emailing you soon. I would like to get your phone number and of course all the other info addresses, hospital, contacts, etc. My phone number is (801)776-8881 just in case.
I am praying for you constantly! I love you very much!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Cindy is just too fast! I was reading some other posts, and she beat me to it! Can you have 2 angels? Okay. Can I be your understudy angel? Seriously, even if I am not your angel, I still am praying for you every day, Dawn. You are so dear to me, and I will continue to lift you up to our heavenly Father.

Well I guess I am too late!! Oh well!! See how much we all love you girl?? I actually don't know if I could be your angel only being 6 days before you. I know that you are going to have the best of care between Lynda and Peg!! I love you Dawn! Let me know how you are and take good care of you!!