Hi Candy. Isn't this fun knowing that you have a Christian friend as near as your fingertips??!! I am doing better and better every day. Yes, I did get your other post. You are so sweet. Thank you for all your kind words and your support. That's why so many of us are here on this give and get support.
You asked about if there is any more risk of cancer since I no longer have a stomach. My surgeon said that after 3-5 years of being cancer free, the risk is low that I would get cancer again. I am 20 months out from having my first surgery, so I have a ways to go yet before I can say I am cured. However, I am getting pretty good at taking things one day at a time. I will go in sometime late spring and have an upper endoscopy to see how my new pouch is doing that the surgeon made, and I will have a CAT scan too. I have had several of both of these tests, so they are a piece of cake.
I hope you were able to take a little rest while your two little ones did. I'm praying for you, Candy. God bless.