Okay, Okay, I'll start Roll Call! Here in Indiana, it's already 4:20 in the afternoon, so our day is winding down. We have church at 6:00, but we have it right here in our house, so we don't have far to travel!
1. What is your favorite time of the day & why?
2. Besides our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who do you admire the most in your life?
3. What is your favorite day of the week?
4. What message would you pass on to others suffering from obesity?
5. Do you see the glass half full or half empty?
Love you all, Cindy
1. I like the evenings, I guess, the best, because the day's work is done and we as a family relax together.
2. I admire my dad...he's my hero!
3. I like Saturday's because we relax and do things together as a family.
4. That it truly is deadly and that through this miracle surgery that Jesus has given us, there really is hope!
5. 1/2 Full!
Hi Cindy,
Great questions. Have a blessed day.............Val
1. What is your favorite time of the day & why?
I like mornings. It's the beginning of a new day and new mercy.
2. Besides our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who do you admire the most in your life?
I admire my pastor. He has really been through alot in his life. Our church split because he was wanting our church to be like the Acts church. Some thought his teaching was way out in left field. He got voted out and we started a new church. There was alot of "talk" that wasn't true and through it all he remained a man with great integrity. At the time he felt as though he got "demoted", but God promoted him. Thank you Lord! We are doing very well as a church.
3. What is your favorite day of the week?
I like Saturday - being home with my kids is always nice.
4. What message would you pass on to others suffering from obesity?
I would encourage them to come to this website and see many, many miracles that God has done through this surgery.
5. Do you see the glass half full or half empty?
half full
Have a blessed day,
Hello Cindy!
It is 4:26pm here in Houston and I'm almost getting ready to go home, get my kiddos and head out for a funeral service. I wanted to attend the 7:00 service at Lakewood Church but I'm going to have to skip it today to attend this funeral service that I really don't look forward to.
Lets see..here are my replies..
1. What is your favorite time of the day & why? The evenings as well. I love being at home in the evening especially after taking a shower and watching TV.
2. Besides our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who do you admire the most in your life? My boyfriend. This man amazes me more and more everyday. Can I also say my Boss?? He too amazes me and is my HERO!
3. What is your favorite day of the week? Sundays. I get to spend time with my boyfriend and of course go to church
4. What message would you pass on to others suffering from obesity? mmm...lets see...that WLS saved my life? yeap...That's what I would tell them. *smile*
5. Do you see the glass half full or half empty? I've never really understood this question BUT if you mean the glass I'm drinking from?? well...it's half full...did I get it right????
sorry. I'm in a silly mood today...I think it's because I've been lifted up in prayer by all of you my brothers and sisters!!!! THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU guys so much!!
Good afternoon everyone! I got a little bit of a blessing today. My boss, so far, has done nothing but tell me I'm not typing fast enough. Well, he called me today and of course after looking at caller ID, I almost didn't pick up. Anyway, he told me that he checked my speed this last pay period and that I am doing really well and that my quality of work is good also. I was really surprised. I thanked him for letting me know. That was truly a blessing because I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to be able to do good enough. Anyway, this is the girls last day of Christmas vacation. They start school tomorrow. Oh well. It can't last forever.
As for the QOD:
1. What is your favorite time of the day & why?
I would say mornings. I've always been a morning person. By 7 pm I'm asleep on the couch.
2. Besides our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who do you admire the most in your life? My parents. They have been married for 42 years. My dad has worked hard all his life to take care of us and my mom pursued her dreams of being a teacher. I really admire both them and thank our Lord and Savior for giving me two such wonderful parents. They also made sure we were raised in church and I thank them so much for that.
3. What is your favorite day of the week?
Hmmmm....since I work at home I don't really have one. Sometimes it is Sundays but then there are Sundays that satan is working on us and it just feels stressful. I don't really have one particular day that is my favorite.
4. What message would you pass on to others suffering from obesity?
Trust in the Lord our God. He will bring you through. And pray about it. I never really thought He would want to hear from me about losing weight because me being fat is my fault. But He wants to hear everything, including that. I believe the reason I have done so well is truly because of God. It was not me, it was Him!
5. Do you see the glass half full or half empty? Half full. (I'm not really sure what that means either and hubby isn't here for me to ask)
Hi Cindy,
Today was my first day without a job and it was a busy one. I had an appointment with my PCP for my medical clearance at 8am! The place is 1/2 hour away, why in the world did I schedule it for 8am??? At least it made me get out of bed.
The whole situation with my job is a little confusing. It is a HUGE glass company. It went into brankruptcy last year. When it was sold, 2 companies bought it. They each bought half. So the company has been split. Well neither company bought the A/P and A/R prior to the closing date. So to add more to the pot, there is a 3rd company called "Focus Management" that is getting all the A/P and A/R stuff taken care of. REASON FOR TELLING YOU ALL THAT: The focus management team called me today and asked me if I would like to work for them until my surgery date. They will pay me an extra $4 a hour and it will be tax free! Of course I said "ok".
1. I like from 7-10pm. The day is winding down, dinner is done, kitchen is clean and we all sit down as a family and spend time together; that is, until 8:30pm when the kids go to bed and Nick and I spend alone time together until 10pm.
2. I would have to say my mom. It wasn't until I was grown and moved out that I realized how much she gave up for me and how much she struggled to provide for me. I never went without growing up; but knowing what I know now...I was probably close at times. I thought hamburger helper was a great meal, now I see that it's a cheap one...lol
3. I honestly don't have one. I have favorite dates, but not days. Each day has it's own unique joy to look forward to.
4. Educate yourself. So many people are just ignorant to obesity. If they knew what we know, they would do something about it.
5. "It's just half"
Hi Cindy!
Thank you for starting roll call.
1. What is your favorite time of the day & why? When my husband walks through the door.
2. Besides our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who do you admire the most in your life? My husband. He has unconditionally loved me and has a sincere walk with Jesus and his faith has always inspired me. And tomorrow he is singing at my grandma's funeral and she loved it when he sang - he is so talented musically. He has the voice of an angel and I fell in love with him when I heard him lead the music and sing at Campus Crusade for Christ in college.
3. What is your favorite day of the week? Sunday - especially communion Sunday. There is nothing better than the sweet rest of the Lord.
4. What message would you pass on to others suffering from obesity? First I would give them a big hug. This battle with obesity is so misunderstood. I would tell them to research everything and ask a lot of questions because the more you know, the more power you have to do something about it. But as everyone on this board knows our ultimate power comes from the Lord Jesus Christ and that is why prayer is so important for those we know who are suffering.
5. Do you see the glass half full or half empty? I am an incurable optimist, so the glass is half full and about ready to be filled again to the brim!
Please pray for me my brothers and sisters. Tomorrow is my grandma's funeral - I loved her dearly and it is going to be hard because I really don't have the assurance of her salvation. My grandfather, her husband, became a born again Christian a year and a half before he died and he was so full of the Spirit and talked to my grandma so many times about God's grace and saving power - she didn't want to have anything to do with it and it breaks my heart. But you never know - just like my husband said she could be there when I get to heaven. The song "What a Day That Will Be, When My Jesus I Shall See," keeps running through my head. My son-in-law is officiating at the funeral and he said he is presenting a beautiful message of hope in Jesus.
I love all of you and covet your prayers.
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Dear Lynda,
I will be lifting you and your family up in prayer. I am so sorry to hear about your grandmother's death. All of my grandparents are dead. My Grandma Cook died in 1998. I still miss her. She was my lifeline when I was a single parent. She lived in Washington State and I lived in Missouri. I could call her late in the evening and she would always be up. Praise God I have the assurance of her salvation.
It is so hard when you don't have that assurance. John's sister Suzanne died on Valentine's Day, 2005. We visited her prior to John's deployment. John shared the gospel with her but she never made a decision. We pray that she made a decision before her death.
God bless you my dear sister,
Kathy from MO