Stephanie Perez's Surgery Soon!
Hi Everyone! I just wanted to remind everyone that Stephanie's surgery is one week from Tuesday, January 10th. If you would like to send Steph a card, please e-mail me and I will give you her home address. Also, I would like to encourage everyone to visit Steph's Surgery Page at: to give her some encouraging words and to let her know that you will be praying for her. God bless you all and thanks bunches! Love you all, Cindy
WHAT?????????????????????????????????????????????? GIRL! What the world did I miss?????????????????????????????????? Congratulations, I will be praying every time you come to mind. And, that is OFTEN!! Praise God for this news. I am so glad everything worked out.
I will be praying, praying, praying~
I am excited for you Stephanie, you are such a treasure to us. Father I ask that you wrap your arms around Stephanie. That she feels your peace and that your Holy Spirit brings settles over her with His comforting presence. We ask that you give the surgeon wisdom and for GREAT nurses for the recovery. In the name of your wonderful son, Lord Jesus. Amen