Hi My Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Lord!
I guess I will start the roll call today! Skiing was absolutely fabulous last night! My daughter gave me a CamelBack (backpack with a water bladder in it with a tube to drink from) for Christmas and I was able to ski for 3 hours without stopping because I could drink the whole time, it really helped to keep my energy up. I told her I think I am going to wear it all the time and I would probably be able to get my water in easily!
The Lord is so good! And I am thanking Him for His many mercies. I was reading an article online by a Susan Maria Leach who wrote the book, "Before and After." She makes no bones about how important it is to get our supplements and protein in. Sometimes I don't like to drink my protein drink but she said she would drink her neighbor's toile****er if it was going to help her. In other words, her point was, get over it and take care of yourself, afterall you went through the surgery, just do what you need to and don't complain! Whoa! That was hard core but really spoke to me. Thank you Lord!
Questions for today:
1. Tell us about a recent victory with your WLS journey.
2. Tell us about a recent disappointment with your WLS journey.
3. How did the Lord work in both of these?
My answers:
1. Finally finding a protein drink that I like. Unjury is its name.
2. Sunday I threw up all day even though I was eating the same foods I had been with no problem!
3. Susan's article above was a note from God on how important it is to take care of myself and there is no perfect protein drink out there - just find one and drink it! In the disappointment of throwing up all Sunday, God showed me that I need to be careful and take good care of myself even if it seems reasonable and that I need to trust Him even when I can't eat. (Monday was fine - I got all my nutrition and water in - crazy!)
Thank you Lord!
Love ya all!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Hi Lynda - Hope your having a blessed day. I would probably hurt myself very badly if I tried to snow ski. You're my hero! I would like to try one of these days though.
Questions for today:
1. Tell us about a recent victory with your WLS journey.
I have a renewed hope in having WLS. Don't know when, don't know how. That part is up to God.
2. Tell us about a recent disappointment with your WLS journey.
WLS exclusion in my insurance policy. (Bummer)
3. How did the Lord work in both of these?
1. Supernaturally
2. I'll have to get with you.
I'm going to try to get on with the postal service and their insurance pay for WLS. So please pray!!!!!!
Hugs, Val
Hi Lynda
God is good all the time. I am thanking Him for just bringing me thus far. I am back to work and feeling great and it has been a little over 2 weeks since surgery. I still have issues with vomitting but I get through.
Questions for today:
1. Tell us about a recent victory with your WLS journey.
I have already gone down 1 shoe size in 2 weeks post-op.
2. Tell us about a recent disappointment with your WLS journey.
I can not get this eating and drinking thing together that I keep vomitting after I eat because I drink too soon.
3. How did the Lord work in both of these?
God is in control of my new tool. By prayer He is guiding me all the way.
Take care everyone!
Hi JaNae,
I am so pleased you are doing so well! Isn't the shoe thing neat? That was a bonus I hadn't even thought about and when it started happening it was so cool.
I will be praying about your drinking and vomitting that the Lord will help you to have patience to wait. That is a struggle I have too because I was so use to drinking while eating. I have to force myself to wait. I love you!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Hey Lynda and all,
I used to use a CamelBack when I was on bike patrol...years ago. I've never thought about wearing it on a daily basis though. It would only work for me if I could put hot tea in it. I have to have my hot tea in the morning...just to get things moving smoothly. Nothing goes down like hot tea.
1. Tell us about a recent victory with your WLS journey.
Everyday seems like a victory now. I can't really say I have any sick or vomitting days. Some foods (carbs) make me really sluggish but that's about it. I just stay away from them for the most part. What little I do eat now, I really enjoy and I rarely feel like I'm missing out on anything.
2. Tell us about a recent disappointment with your WLS journey.
My only disappointments would be the few times someone offers me a sweet that looks really good and I wish I could have it. But I don't feel bad for long and it is totally worth it.
3. How did the Lord work in both of these?
Well...I think its pretty obvious. God has really made this journey easy for me so far (with the exception of the first month when I was sick in the hospital...just a bad memory now). God carried me through the fire and now he is paving the way for me everyday to a new life.
God is good! I pray that you all have a blessed day!
Love, Jacinda
Good afternoon Ms. Lynda!!
Well, today has been one that I have been dreading for some time now. It is official, today is my last day at work. I'm sitting here with nothing on my desk but a computer and a phone. I trust that God is going to continue to make provisions for me and I'm giving it all to Him. On a lighter note, I had my echo cardiogram today and the tech said everything looked good. Of course the cardiologist will have to read it for it to be official.
1. My recent victory is an obvious one....I was able to pay for cobra and continue my insurance coverage!!!
2. My recent disappointment is obvious as well...the thought of having to cancel once again.
3. God is just so amazing. He tells us that He will supply ALL our needs according to His riches in glory! He has!! He tells us to "try Him" and see if He won't open the windows of heaven and pour out such a blessing we won't have room for it. He has!! By prayer, faith, and submission God has opened windows for me that I never thought were possible. And for that, I will give Him all the praise!!
Hi Lynda & Everyone! I think it is so neat that you are already back snow skiing, Lynda. You must want to pinch yourself everytime you start down the hill! I've never heard of a CamalBack before. They sound !
1. In all my life, I have never LOST weight over the holidays, but this past week I lost 7 pounds! Thank YOU, Jesus!
2. I was very discouraged when I had that 3 week stall awhile ago. I think, even now, that it seems like I loose for one week out of the month and kinda stablize the other three weeks. Thank God for the -71 pounds that Jesus has blessed me with in loosing in 2 1/2 months!!!! PTL!!!
3. Even in all the excitment and wonderment each and everyday of this journey....NOTHING takes the place of being in HIS presence...communing with Him in prayer and in the Word. This body will one day pass away or be raptured, but our relationship with Jesus is forever! Hallelujah!
Love you all! Cindy