A CHRISTmas miracle, P.T.L.
Hi Everyone,
Do you remember about a week or so ago I asked for prayer for my friend on the Mi. board? Here is a copy of an E-mail I recieved from her today. I asked her if it would be ok to share it with my friends on the Christianity board. She said that would be fine. GOD IS IN CONTROL.
God bless you all,
Love ya ,
Annette - Happy New Year!!!!
Of all my friends on OH, I knew that YOU would understand this the most and so here we go.
I FEEL GREAT!!!!!!!! Yes, it is me Laurie - the sick girl who spent 12 days before Christmas in the hospital. The girl who had a stroke (or not) who has a hole in her heart (or not) who's levels are all messed up (for sure) who couldn't walk from the bed to the bathroom, who has two staples where they shouldn't be, and who has a volley ball sized hernia sticking out like a third breast. But I feel GREAT!!!!!
I believe that the Lord is healing me!!!! I'm amazed at the difference between this week and last week. I made it to church on Christmas morning, but I could hardly walk. Everyone was trying NOT to stare at me, but I did look horrible. During our worship service someone came to me and asked if they could take me to the alter and pray for my healing. We did, and when it was over most of the church was all around me.
The Lord told me to rest in Him and seek Him and I would be fine. He didn't promise me a physical healing, but He gave me so much more. He did a wonderful work in my heart and drew me closer to him then I've ever been.
Each day this week I've noticed that something has gotten better. Yesterday I was able to eat without getting sick!!! The first time in over six weeks. Today I got up took a shower, went to church, came home ate 3 oz of chicken, and Im' still up. I don't even feel like I need to take a nap. Pretty amazing for the girl who was in bed 20 hours a day just last week!!!
I should be getting worse each day, and instead I'm getting stronger each day!! I know it's God because I'm still not eating even close to 400 cals a day. I can't drink hardly anything. I should be VERY dehydrated now from not having fluids for over a week now, but I'm NOT!!!
It's so awesome. I am just praising God for his mercy and faithfulness to me. He's assured me that 2006 will be the year of the Lord for me. He's got "something" special for my life this year!! I'm excited to watch this year unfold before me.
Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. I KNOW I would have given up on life all together if it hadn't been for the love of my OH friends!!!
I truly believe we are entering into that time of Signs and Wonders, to bring those to Christ that we meet outside of the church walls. I think God is showing Himself to be true this year, I have now heard of so many healings today that it is amazing!
Who can deny my healing? Who can deny Laurie's healing?? God is showing off big time, and its time for the world to know who He is and that He is still alive, and on the throne!
I am just so blessed by all the stories and the responses and I am just so grateful for all of you on here!!
God Bless you all, and keep posting on here all the signs, wonders, and miracles, because there are many who do not know the Lord, that will read these posts, believe me they read them.
To God be all the Glory, Power, and Blessings!!