Is FEAR the Evil one fighting your decision?
Greetings All you January Folk,
Today in Church we talked about the new year and what we should consider doing to enhance our walk with the lord.
Well my pastor hit it on the nose for me when he said. Change that is pleasing to the Lord is not easy. (someone the other day compared this surgery to cutting out an eye that casues you to sin. It's the same with our stomachs causing us to sin.)
He said if you do not wake up every morning butting heads with the Devil, that just means that you are heading in his desired direction. So if you are having problems, that means he is fighting you for a reason. So don't listen and move forward in peace. The Lord has your back as always.
I just thought this was cool and wanted to share. I hope it helps many. Though if it helps just one person I am happy.
God Bless you all!

Dear Kristie,
Thank you so much for your post. I have been butting heads lately and was beginning to feel overwhelmed. Your post has reminded me that if I am butting heads than I must be doing something right. We only draw attention to ourselves when our activities inconvience the evil one.
God bless you as well,
Kathy from MO
PS I am 5 months post-op. I still have daily struggles to eat the right things and not to snack on the wrong foods. I had never considered the analogy of our stomachs being like the offending eye. Very interesting analogy.