Happy New Year
I wanted to wish you all a "Happy New Year"! I won't be on for a week. I will probably have Board withdrawals! I'm taking my lap top and hope to have a connection. I dunno. I'm flying off for a vacation of sorts. Headed to northern Kentucky. I pray that 2006 is the best year of your lives, that God propers you in more than abundance and that those of you awaiting approval get it SOON!! I love you all and you are ALL so special to me. You'll never know how you have touched my life over the last year. I pray God's richest blessings on all of you. Please keep me in your prayers. I need them. I have never flown before! Well, other than a private small plane and a helicopter. Yep, I have led a dull and boring life! Never flown in a jet. I'll be fine though. I keep telling myself that I'll be closer to God.
God bless! Randall
Hey Randall,
Happy new year to you too. What part of Kentucky are you headed to? My Father -in-law was from a little town called Hyden ~ just outside of Hazzard. I've never flown in a "real" plane either. I did fly one time when I was 17. My sister met a pilot who had his own plane, and he took us up. It was kind of cool looking out the window. Everything looks just like a map! Enjoy your trip,and be safe.
God bless you,
Thanks for the prayers and blessings! I receive them!!
Have a great time on your first real flight. My husband is a pilot in the Air Force, and I have flown way too much!! We lived overseas 2 times!
Happy New Year! I have such a great year of anticipation of this upcoming year and I know it is THE year of The Lord!!
HI, Randall
Happy New Year to you, too. I pray that you will enjoy your mini-vacation and return rested and relaxed. I have flown before in a jumbo jet over the Atlantic ocean. I pray that God will bless and prosper you as well in the coming year. I look forward to learning of your safe return home in the coming weeks.
Kathy from MO