My Fear is...
The only thing I fear is that I will reqain the weight after the surgery. I am also wanting it to be FAIR. I want to lose all of my excess weight. The 65%-75% projected weight loss is discouraging. The idea that you would go through the exteme of the RNY and still be overweight after 18 months is very hard to accept or that you would regain the weight after 5 years. I am afraid of the food demons coming back. I appoligize for my negativity and my spelling. I am used to spell check! I just needed to share my fear.
Hi J Marie!
Legit fear!! It is one I am struggling with too. I am 2 1/2 months out from surgery and everything has gone so well - thank you Lord! But I too have that same concern. One thing I was told in my pre op classes is that the people who have the most success and lose all their weight are active and exercise, along with eating correctly. This surgery is only a tool. A tool to give us a fighting chance. I had 150 pounds to lose and I am 1/2 there - now that is what I call a fighting chance! The surgery is a huge step and one that shouldn't be entered into lightly. Resolve in your own heart whether this is a tool you want to use and once resolved go for the gusto! I know you are active and I will pray that God will give you the peace you need to face this one fear. You are precious and remember you have the Lord on your side to guide you through this WLS journey and you have your brothers and sisters here on this board to pray you through and that is exactly what I am doing for you! I love you!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Hi J Marie. You know, there are no guarantees in life. All I can say is that if all I ever lost was the 65-75%, it is still worth it. Even with that weight loss, you will be able to do things you haven't been able to do in a long time. You will feel better, look better, and have a better attitude on life. Are you in a support group? If so, I know that will help. If not, you might want to think about getting in one. Do you have an angel? Someone who can walk through this with you?
You are not alone. God will carry you through this time of fear. He will never desert you. We are here for you too. We love you and will be there to listen when you talk. You are important, and having this surgery is a very important step in your life. You can do it! God bless you, dear sister in Christ.

I understand exactly what you are saying. I still have that fear even 2+yrs out. I still weigh every morning and if I start creeping up then I know that I have to back off. It is alot easier to lose 2-3 lbs instead of 100 lbs. I still struggle with eating issues, choosing the wrong foods, eating when I'm bored or depressed, but I have to make a mindful effort to get back on track, no one can do this for me. I pray daily that I will avoid temptation and falling back into the same ole' habits. Praise God that He has been with me on this journey and I have the support of my husband, (who also had the surgery around the same time). May God bless you and your efforts, He will carry you through this. God has made this surgery possible, so He has a plan for you.
You have a legitimate fear. I am 5 months out and I am still terrified that any day I might reach the final weight loss and not lose anymore. Praise God I have already lost 100 pounds! So if that is all I lose it would be worth it because my life has improved so much. I know I need to become more active physically. It would help build up my muscles as well as strengthen my body. I pray I don't gain weight back in five years. That would be absolutely devasting to me.
I join the others in urging you to join a support group in your area. If you don't have one, see if you can generate enough interest to start one. I am trying to get one started in my community.
Do you have an angel? Is there a friend or angel who will accompany you to the hospital? An angel is a good person to have in your corner because they can answer so many questions and provide you with so many helpful tips.
God bless you and calm your fears,
Kathy from MO