
Don't buy a whole lot in advance. Your tastes will change, and you may not like some things that you like now. It may surprise you how good you feel after the surgery. Some people feel good enough to go shopping (brief trip) after they get out of the hospital. Others wait a few days...since you are usually on liquids anyway. My doctor gave me a list of things to get. Your doctor may have something similar. Just don't buy a whole lot at one time!
Good luck!
Hi Dawn. How are you doing? I'm glad to see you posting. I have been worried about you and have been praying for you and your family about your financial needs.
I can think of a couple of things I was really glad to have...plain old Lipton's decaf tea and SF popsicles. Water didn't set too well with me so these helped keep me hydrated.

Thanks. Monday I had to do all my cardiopulmonary testing. I was under the weather yesterday. I had my endoscopy done and I don't think I rested like I was supposed to. I had myself in such knots about calling the insurance company that I refused to lay down. Big mistake. I ended up with a migraine and vomited so bad it was coming out of my nose.
But I seem to be getting back to normal. I have all these appointments because the doctor scheduled my surgery so soon.
Thanks for the food advice.
Hi Dawn!
Wow it sounds like a lot of testing all at once but that is great things are moving along quickly! Please rest - if you do anything in advance make sure you are very rested before surgery - it will help with the recovery.
As far as food goes, well, the first thing I noticed was smells. Everything smelled not different but more pronounced so that really affected what I could eat. In the hospital they give you SF jello and I normally like jello but after I got out of the hospital I haven't had jello once just because of how it smelled in the hospital. Like Stephanie said don't buy much. My pouch is so fickle - something that sounds or tastes good one day is yuck sometimes the next. My biggest struggle is planning because quite honestly my desires change moment from moment. I pray and hope you can do better than that. Thank the Lord there is a grocery store fairly close and my husband is patient! Of course now with all my energy I could run to the store a hundred times a day!
I am discovering that different surgeons have just a little different food choices. Before you check out of the hospital, a dietician will come and talk to you about how to eat and what to eat even though you probably have been over it many times by now. After surgery you will be amazed at how quickly things change in every arena - food, clothes, looks, sleeping, etc. - it's an incredible journey!
Love ya and please rest!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Yeah Dawn!!!
how exciting. The one thing I bought too much of was protein powder, however, I am glad I bought the samples because I was able to pay a very little to see what I liked. I loved, loved, loved, no matter how much, was Protein Delite shakes. They were a staple and still are. Chocolate is great, and so is Tropical Blast and Vanilla very berry. You can get them at
Here are a few recipes that were great:
Mock Lasagna
Ricotta cheese, a splash of pizza quick sauce on top (less sugar than others) and little bits of skim string cheese. Pop in microwave for approx. 40 seconds until bubbly. It was sooo yummy, like lasagna.
Refried beans mixed with water and stir over low heat til warm, add cheese (low fat and skim if you can find it). That was awesome
Idahoian pkgs of Mashed Potatoes, 4 cheese flavor
make it soupy with warm water and add ANY WHEY protein powder. It is THE best protein powder I have found anywhere! It is dissolvable and tasteless. You can get it at the website
Dole SF all fruit popsicles, they taste awesome
Propel drinks...I drank it better than regular water. Regular water hurt my pouch. I also used bottled water a lot. My hubby would blend it with some ice in the magic bullet and it was great on my pouchie.
Crystal lite, kinda hurt in the beginning, but now I drink them a lot
box of saltines, add a couple of crackers to plain chicken or beef broth for some "body" they totally dissolve, and my doc's orders were if you can puree it you can eat it. I could not eat eggs for a long time
Grits and Oatmeal with the ANY WHEY protein powder added to it and stirred and made soupy were a staple.
That should give you some ideas of what to eat for the first 4 weeks. My sweet, awesome, hubby would measure all my foods. I went to Bed, Bath, Beyond and got about 6 ramekins that hold about 3-4 oz, and we used those to make all the foods in, so I knew how much I HAD to eat. He would then get on the computer and document everything on Excel, and also made a column for water, breakfast, lunch and dinner, and put in the ounces, what I ate, and the time. I took this in with me on my first appointment, my doc said it was now a standard for all patients. It was easy to do, and when he went back to work, I was able to jot down on these sheets, what I ate and I could then see my protein and sugars, for the day.
If you have a friend or yourself who is good at Excel, I highly recommend this to everyone. It is easy to keep up with proteins, sugars, ounces of food, water, and vitamins. I also took Vista Vitamin Chewables, and I over bought on those. I can't tolerate them anymore, so now I do flintstones, and I am convinced because I am not on Vistas anymore, my hair is falling out, but I will get sick if I take them!!
You will do great. I hated cottage cheese, but one time I used SF smuckers mixed with it for a quick taste. OH!! SF puddings, esp. cheesecake flavor with SF strawberry jam was the bomb!!
GOD BLESS, He will see you through this and you will do great! He will be there with you, and you will have a peace beyond understanding. He was faithful to be there for me, as well as all my friends who are believers. I know this was a blessing so I can get well, and go on missions trips!
Email me if you have questions!! Love ya,
Deborah [email protected]

I'm a day late but wanted to respond.
First of all I am so thrilled that you are having the surgery. I will try to send you a private e-mail today.
I felt good after surgery, just very sore. I was able to go out to a store with hubby a few days after I came home. But quite honestly I was so sick of jello and never could tolerate the broth. I did like the protein shake and sort of went from clear liquids to the shake a few days sooner than my doctors plan. But I did mostly stay on liquids for about two weeks. I used to like crystal light and propel etc and may again someday but for me, the only liquid I really care for even yet is just bottled water. I bought some of the clear protein drinks and that was a waste because I could not stand the things! I hope to palm them off to my husband when he has surgery!

Good morning Dawn!
Let's see, if I were you I would not stock on a lot of goodies because your taste buds change after WLS. Try not to over stock on sf Jell-O, because you'll end up having that in your pantry for months. I honestly have NOT had Jello-O since WLS.
What my mother bought me was malt o meal, sf Jell-O, sf yogurt, broth. I also got some crystal light (never liked it!). I did try the peach crystal light the other day and I loved the taste. I also had Gatorade but in moderation because it's high in sodium.
What else?? I can't remember what else. My usually did homemade chicken soup and to kick it up a lil notch, she would add cilantro to it to add some flavor and that's what I would eat or should I say drink? I would have the broth only and mmmmm. What she also made for me was homemade watermelon water. She blended pieces of water melon with water (no sugar added not even splenda or sweet n low) and gave it to me in a 1 oz little cup and that feels you up and helps a lot in the liquid stage.
Hope this helps.
God bless you always,
p.s. Also, try to get some protein samples from Samples are good because remember, your taste buds change.