Prayer Request-Advice
Hi Everyone,
I've been posting on the Michigan board and have been getting some wonderful advice. Someone mentioned, as a Christian, that this board is also great and I am so thankful to find other Christians going through this journey. I am switching PCP's and seeing my new one for the first time on Jan. 3rd. My previous PCP, who is Christian, was entriely against this surgery. I was so defeated, but through my Therapist, The Lord has brought this option up again (without me mentioning it at all), so I am going to persue it. I struggle with the decision as a Christian, but I am so defeated with weight loss and I know there is a better life for me. My insides do NOT match my outside and I am becoming more reclusive and depressed as time goes on.
Please pray that my new PCP, who is WLS supportive, will do her best to help me. I am also going through HAP HMO which I hear isn't the easiest for approval.
Any prayers and/or advice is apprecited.
God Bless,
I will pray for you Kim. Pray for a clear word from your Lord. You will need to be confident when talking with others. I have found some Christians who can't believe that WLS is right for me. I am grateful for my confidence that I know comes from obedience. I know that I am in His will for me. This is such a personal thing. The way I see it, it's like a bad marriage, you feel like you should stay and work it out (try another diet). God hates divorce, right. There are christians that will say that you should stay through emotional abuse and some will even counsel to stay in a physically abusive marriage! That you should trust God to turn it around.
I have seen God do amazing things both in those who stayed and those who left! I have some dear sisters in the Lord how have complete victory over obesity without the surgery and those who found their answer with WLS. Seek Him and He will be found. If you don't know His voice, seek to learn it. I know I prayed about this surgery 6 years ago and He said NO! Oh, yes I heard Him. No question. Now I feel complete peace and His favor in this surgery. I don't know why He is saying yes this time. I am just grateful. For whatever reason He has allowed me to suffer most of my life with obesity, I feel that He is blessing this surgery now. I am terrified to recommend this surgery to anyone, anymore then I would want the personal responsibility to advise someone to divorce their mate. I recommend His advice, His councel, His timing.
"God has a purpose for you that is held in His heart. God has a path for you that is paved with His grace" He loves you more than you can ever imagine, He has grieved over your pain and longs to see you whole and living life fully for Him. God bless your journey, J.Marie
take a look at this post.
lifting you up in prayer,