Our Becky needs prayer
(A copy of the email I received from her mother)
Becky had a second surgery Friday for a kinked bowel. She has been pretty sick. they are really watching her for infections. She is very susceptible to them. She had bile backed up, big time. Tonight she was feeling so much better. Her husband came back last night and has the kids with him. That really takes a burden off me. we do not know when she will get out of the hosp. She is receiving a lot of antibiotics and they are keeping a close eye on her. The pain has subsided somewhat. It is worse at night. she is now sleeping in the chair which seems to help. I just got back from seeing her. She is really discouraged at times. I see glimpses of her old self which is very good to see. Keep her in your prayers. Thanks
Dawn, Thanks so much for the update! Becky has been in my thoughts and prayers constantly! It sounds as though she and I have similar stories to tell of our hospital stay!!! A kinked bowel...I had a twisted bowel...second surgeries....PAIN! I just pray that NO infection starts, In Jesus Name! She will feel so much better when she gets home! Thanks again! Love, Cindy

Hi Dawn!
Thank you so much for the update. Becky has been in my prayers and thoughts. I am thanking the Lord that her husband came home safely and that he is with her and the children - what a relief there. I am also praying for Becky's mom because she sounds a little discouraged too.
Love ya!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Her parents are both born again believers. Thank God for that. I can imagine how she must feel though. My son had surgery on his legs when he was 5 years old and I felt so helpless. I wanted to take away the pain but I couldn't. As a mother you feel obligated to "do something". I agree, her whole family needs to be lifted up in prayer. I'll see if we can get her mailing address so we can send her cards of encouragment.
Love ya,