Question for those who like to ponder ?'s
I have been told Merry Christmas by people I know are non believers, and in fact claim to be agnotstic or aetheists. It cracks me up!! I wonder if God is doing something, or if it is just habit for the season.
We all know the Reason for the Season, and I am so happy that Jesus is once again in the front of debate and topic. We need to keep praying about the battles in the states for the various topics, the one on the forefront being Intelligent Design vs. Evolution. Jay Sekulo has a great website about this. You can find his website via CBN. I don't know if we are allowed to broadcast websites, but those who know can find it easily on CBN.
Our church is doing the next year on "What it means to be the Bride of Christ". I am so excited about this, because I know we are in the end times, and soon all knees will bow and every tongue confess: JESUS IS LORD OF LORDS and KING OF KINGS!!
Love and Blessings for a Very MERRY CHRISTmas!!
I have been pondering on that very thing since Thanksgiving. I know a few people who have NO beliefs at all and yet they partake (or take advantage of having a long weekend) in Thanskgiving. Why? To whom are they thankful, themselves?
When I see others bicker about saying "Merry Christams" or, should we call Christams Vacation, winter break? Well hey everyone! The reason for the break is to celebate Christmas.
Another one to ponder. Why do they still call em' Holidays? Doesn't the word mean "HOLY DAY". Oops, I may have just given ACLU an idea for a new harrassment lawsuit on some poor victim(s).
Okay, stepping down from the sopa box, (((again))).
Sally C
Hey everyone, I really can spell. Should have proofed, but was in a hurry. Please be merciful and forgive my shortcomings.
I know most of us here care more about content than structure. Thank you for being so gracious to me.
Love ya' all!
Ooops, I meant - I love all of you. (proper grammer to some is very important)
I feel you on your question. You know what gets me going? When someone says that they "thank God" or they "prayed to God". Do they think that He actually hears them? The only prayer He will hear from them is a prayer of repentance & salvation. At 9/11 all the churches were flooded with people praying out of fear and mourning. Where are these people when everything is going good? Are they praising God? I'm going to stop, because if I don't I'm going to get going and who knows how long this post would end up.
Love, Dawn
Hi Deb,
Thanks for the thought provoking question and as a homeschool mom who has studied history and the founding fathers with my children I would have to say it is a habit. Not all our founding fathers were Christian but followed the Judeo/Christian heritage. Our nation on a whole was founded on Christianity and a lot of things that appear to be Christian are just from tradition. But at the same time God is active and alive and through His grace people all around the world are being saved.
When we go to church each Sunday we are celebrating, yes, His encarnation but more importantly His resurrection. Resurrection to life and many do not have that life. But indeed they do follow our Judeo/Christian heritage - all the power to them because its only by the prompting of the Holy Spirit do they call upon the name of Jesus - the only way fallen man can be saved! And indeed Merry CHRISTmas! Love ya all!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8