HAPPY MONDAY!!!!! (I cringed just typing that, I would NEVER be able to say it out loud.
I hope that everyone had a blessed weekend. Whether we had trials, heartache, or joy; let it all be for God's glory.
Ok...drumroll please........
1. At what age did you give your life to Christ? (and don't say I was raised in church. There had to be a time that you heard, understood, and accepted Him. If you can honestly say that you never truly accepted Him & want to, please email me. I will walk you down Roman's road to salvation.)
2. "Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline." Do you wear makeup? (Glenn...please don't answer this one
3. Water...bottled or tap?
4. Name one thing that has increased in price since you were a child. (IE: I remember when "blank" was only "blank" $$.)
~*~*~My Answers~*~*~
1. At the age of 20. I was one of those who WAS raised in church, but it wasn't until the age of 20 that I grasped the reality of it all.
2. YES!!! I will not leave the house without putting my face on.
3. bottled
4. I remember when a loaf of bread was a quarter.
Love, Dawn

Good morning Dawn!!!
My goodness, i fell energetic today and I still haven't had coffee!!! Ok, here are my anwers.
1. At what age did you give your life to Christ? (and don't say I was raised in church. There had to be a time that you heard, understood, and accepted Him. If you can honestly say that you never truly accepted Him & want to, please email me. I will walk you down Roman's road to salvation.)
At age 22
2. "Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Maybelline." Do you wear makeup? (Glenn...please don't answer this one )
Makeup! My boyfriend keep telling me I don't need it but I think he's in love!! (((SMILE)))
...I tell him....take a REAL close look at these dark circles honey...he still insists I don't need it!
3. Water...bottled or tap?
has to be bottle water, ofcourse unless we are in the dessert and all there is is tap!
4. Name one thing that has increased in price since you were a child. (IE: I remember when "blank" was only "blank" $$.)
Burgers..When i was a child they used to be .39 cents.
Thank you for this post Dawn!!
Have a Christ filled day,

Happy Monday!
I'm enjoying the cards too! Thanks you all! I just have to tell you all that after going back and forth witht he same two pounds I weighed this morning and I'm down four!!! Just love how my clothes are getting so loose and even baggy! PTL for being able to have this surgery!!!
QOD answers:
1. Raised in the church and made a personal commitment to Christ at age twelve. All of a sudden it had just hit me that I was a sinner and needed to accept the Lord so I answered an old fashioned altar call.
2. I wear a little makeup to work and church but not otherwise. Its just too hot in the summer to put that stuff on and usually I have a pretty good tan anyway.
3. I drink bottled water although our well water is quite good.
4. Do you know how old I am?
Everything is much higher. When I was kid about 10 or so my mother would give me a doller to go into the store and get milk and bread. I would get a bit of change back. Sheesh!!

OK. I'm game! I'm up and awake, had a Dr's appt. this am, but it snowed last night, and I can't make the 70mi. trip. So here I am!
I gave my life toChrist @ 8y/o, in our Baptist church in Spokane Wa. Even than I was VERY aware that I needed a savior, that I was a sinner. #2, Yes to Make-up! We used to have a pastor in Fla., that was not against make-up, in fact he said if the barn needs painting, paint it! Well, I've been painting this barn for some time now!! #3 Both. We have a new water plant in our little town for which we are very grateful! But if I drink bottled, I am very picky. Did you know that a lot of the bottled water on the market comes from any old water tap? It's not yet regulated well, and you can be gettting some pretty bad stuff. Get distilled, or ozone/ultraviolet purified. #4 Oh my, I remember many things! We used to get on the bus to town, go to a double feature movie, have popcorn and juju stuff, and never spend over 50 cents!! We could do the roller rink and bus for 35 cents. Thanks for the trip down memory lane! God bless you all today! KtB

Good Morning all!
Well, as for the QOD:
1. I was saved as a child at church camp the summer before I started 4th grade.
2. Depends on the day and if I want to fool with it or not. I have very sensitive eyes and there are days I just can't wear any eye makeup at all.
3. Actually, I like my water filtered. We have filtered water from our fridge. My husband has tried to trick me and bring me water from the tap but I could taste the difference.
4. I remember my mom giving me a dollar and us walking to the store and buying a bag full of candy. Can't do that anymore!
Anyway, everyone have a blessed day!

Hi everyone. It's icy here in the Portland, OR area, and that just about makes the town become an ice rink! We just aren't equipped for this kind of weather, but lucky me! My DH and I are retired, so we don't have to get out in it! Yay! I love your QOD, Dawn. If you don't mind, I'm going to "borrow" them for the Oregon board. Here are my answers:
1. I was 14 years old when I officially gave my life to Christ. I had just completed my confirmation classes and was chosen to give the class speech at church. It was way back in 1964, and President Kennedy had given his famous speech in which he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." or something like that. I incorporated it into my speech, with a little twist and said, "Ask not what God can do for you. Ask what you can do for God." I got to take communion for the first time. It was a very big deal to me. Thank you, Lord.
2. I have worn lipstick since I started the 7th grade. I wear it, eye make-up, and a little blush when needed. Oh, and my hair is now dark auburn! (No one mentioned hair color, but I am determined that I will probably be one of those little old ladies with no gray....don't know what color, but there will be color!)
3. I prefer bottled water, but the frugal side of me makes me fill up an empty bottled water container with my own tap water.
4. I'm a grandmother of 56, so everything cost less. I think the most amazing thing to look back on was the trip I took with my folks and my sister back to South Dakota in the summer of 1968. There was a gas war going on...cheap gas...and my dad bought regular at 25 cents a gallon! Oh, the good old days! Actually, I am so glad to be living today in the modern era with up-to-date medical facilities and such. Just think. We would still be stuck in our old heavy bodies back then, and some of us, without modern day medical intervention, wouldn't even be here.
Have a wonderful day today. I'm lifting you all in prayer, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

I just copyrighted the questions so I am sorry to say you can't post them elsewhere. Just Kidding
(Remember what happened when Annette copied a post...WOW!!)
As far as your hair dye...I don't even know my natural color anymore. "I will dye as long as I live"
Do us all a favor though, when you get old, don't dye your hair purple. What's up with that?? Do you ever see those old ladies with purple hair, who are they trying to kid??
Love ya,

Hello Everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with the presence of our Sweet Savior Jesus!!!!!
1. I was 25 yr old (20 yrs ago!) and it was on Saturday night, September 7, 1985 at 9:05 pm IN MY BED!!!! Thank You Lord Jesus!
2. Yes, I wear makeup!
3. I love our well water.
4. I remember when the 'milkman' would come with bottles of milk and leave them sitting by the door. I'm not sure how much they cost though....25 cents each???? Ummmm? I'll have to ask my mom and dad and see if they remember the cost.
Love you guys!

Howdy All!
Has anyone heard anymore how Becky is doing? I am so relieved that they found out what was wrong and fixed it before things got REALLY bad. I am praying that she will get out of the hospital before Christmas. I know she would hate to miss it with such small kids.
1. I was also raised in the church and was even baptised when someone misunderstood what I was saying at around 13. However, the Light truely came on a few years later during a youth group meeting and that was when I really came to know Christ. Sadly, I don't remember exactly how old I was. Probably 16 or 17.
2. I go to work everyday without any make up. But, I usually scare myself once I pass by a mirror and end up putting on some powder and lipstick during the day.
3. I drink filtered or bottled water.
4. I try not to remember such things so that I don't get depressed, but I do remember gas being under a dollar here about 8 years ago.
Have a great day all!
Love, Jacinda

I sent an email to Becky's mother yesterday, but I haven't heard anything. I tried to call the hospital, but it wouldn't go through for some reason. It kept telling me to check the area code and try again. Odd. I'll keep trying though and see if I can find out anything. I would give you the phone number but I don't know if she gave it to me in confidence and I would hate to give it out if she didn't want me to.