Prayer Request update
Well, a little bit of an update. I haven't talked with momma this morning but yesterday she called me. My aunt has also been in the hospital. She had clogged arteries in her neck and they had to go in and unclog them. One of the veins they had to replace with some veins from her leg. Anyway, about 24 hours after surgery she couldn't see anything unless you were right in front of her so they are thinking she might have had a stroke. This is my mother's oldest sister. She is 78 or 79 years old. Anyway, momma has been at the hospital with her and saw the Talley's while there. They were sitting down to eat and trying to decide what to do. They were discussing taking Toby's wife off life support. I haven't heard anything this morning and if I talk to momma, I will let all of you know asap. Just keep praying for this family and also pray for my Aunt Gloria. Thank you so very much!!!