OT~~God is Good
Hi All~
I just wanted to let you know how truly awsome God is. As some of you know, I recently changed churches. We did this because we felt that God was leading us in a new direction to persue my husband's call in the ministry. Well, We have only been at this new church for a month and this morning the pastor called and asked DH if he could preach for him on Jan 1st!! Isn't that great? We really thought that it would be a while before he would be comfortable enough to led him lead a service. Another twist of God's awsome wonder is that I was asked 2 weeks ago to sing a solo that day. Everytime DH has preached in the past, he has always asked me to sing a solo before he gives the word. Just goes to show you when you are submissive to His will for your life, He will open up windows you never thought were possible.
Mal 3:10 "...And try Me now in this," Says the Lord of hosts, "If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it."
Matt 19:26 "But Jesus looked at them and said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
Dear Dawn,
I just love reading stories about how God is working in other people's lives. What an awesome responsibility your husband will have and what a priviledge you have to be able to sing before his message. God knows the desires of our hearts and he set the plans in place for that service even before you could express that desire. I can't wait to hear what song you chose to sing and the sermon topic.
God bless you, my Christian sister,
from MO
Hi Dawn. This is certainly no coincidence that you are singing and your DH is preaching. You two must really be rejoicing that the Lord has answered so clearly that He has placed both of you right where He wants you. To God be the glory.
PS You are such an inspiration to others, Dawn. I know it must feel like a burden at times when people come to you for advice and you wonder if you have the right answers for them, but I know that God is using you in a mighty way here on this board.
Thank you Peg . I think that sometimes I just get a little overwhelmed when I think about all the shortcomings in my life and the expectations others have for me. I feel that the person I see and the person other people see are two different people at times. But as long as I am striving toward the goal, I guess it really doesn't matter.
Dawn, thank-you for responding to my request for prayer for Cecile. Yes, she does notice differences between us, but doesn't yet "get" the difference. I can't help but think I have been lacking in my forwardness here. The honest answer of course is cowardice, and God help us all, are we ashamed of Jesus??? I really don't think I am, but does God think so? It does make one think of how we do not let God be our everything, our fullness, our sustenance; when we fear being shunned for presenting the gospel as the absolute truth that it is. Hmmmm, I have just set my Bible reading and prayers for the night. About your co-workers not saying "Gee, Dawn, you don't really need that surgery". You don't really want to hear that when you have already been dealing with the truth. I have heard for years from friends that they like me "fluffy", soft, love me the way I am, and on and on. Mind you, I believe they all ment it and love me, but it did not help.Of course, at the time, there wasn't much I could do bet try to diet one more time. I even tried for wls about 15 yrs. ago, but was told by Tricare(military ins) that I was past the age limit, and not heavy enough!! So now that the means is open to me, and mydecision is made, I will not let anyone discourage me, but prepare myself for the changes in my future. And I continue to ask God to intervene in the process if it is not His will. That's hard,too, wanting it to be ok. But if he does step in to stop it, I know he will give me a way to deal with things another way. Well, I do have a way of carrying on, so I will close this message. I am so pleased to hear of your call into the ministry!!! God Bless you both!! I too, am in the ministry with children, and there's nothing like it. Love in Christ, KtB
Let me give a little prequal so you all can better understand our situation. We were going to a church for about 5 years and my husband was the associate minister. He got to preach quite frequently but he wasn't moving forward. He feels a call to be a Sr. Pastor. That would never happen at our old church. Well, we met with the pastor of the church we attend now and he showed us that they have a vision of planting churches nationwide. He said that he could provide my husband the education he needs so that he can be an ordained pastor and have his own church in about 2 years. We were so excited to see that God was opening doors for us. But when we went to this new church the pastor was very clear that he would be one one preaching each week as he feels it is important for the Sr. Pastor to preach on Sunday mornings. That was a little less than a month ago. Then we got the call saturday that he is goign to a seminar and wants him to preach on the 1st. As easy as it would have been for him to call another pastor to come in and preach that week for him, he chose to take a leap of faith and trust that my dh would bring forth the word with sound doctrine. (without a doubt that will be done)
God bless,