Hi, Dawn
I actually started to post questions for today's roll call this morning at 7:30 am central time. But as I logged onto the computer, my friend called me to say she was picking me up early to travel with her to her physicians appointment in Columbia, MO. So I have just returned home
(it is 7:10 pm) and I am finally able to see what questions are posted for the day.
Here are my responses
1. I was in fourth grade and his name was Ray Nightingale. He carried my books to and from school every day.
2. I own a 1992 GMC Vandura, 1991 Ford Ranger XLT, 1967 Chevrolet pickup and a 1977 Dodge Bus. The '92 GMC replaced our 1988 Dodge Van and the '91 Ford replaced our 1988 Mercury Sable.
3. I have several verses that are my favorite. Today's verse that is quickest to recall is found in John 10:29 and 30.
I just have to add that I picked up the Bible lying here on the shelf to double check the reference address and I was quickly immersed in my husband's scent. He is a heavy vehicle mechanic for the military and the Bible smells just like the garage where my husband worked while he was in the states. He is now in Iraq. It is amazing how a scent can evoke such fond memories of someone.
Hugs to all,
Hi everyone. I just posted a reply, but when I went to save it, my computer knocked me off and out! It was really good too! Sooo, instead of reposting, suffice it to say that I have had a wonderful day playing with my 4-year-old grandson, Tommy. I hope you have had a good day too. God bless and keep you, dear ones. Here are my answers to the QOD:
1. How old were you when you had your first crush? 5th grade. I sat at the theatre between Arthur Allen and Gary Brewer and held Gary's hand. Sigh!
2. What kind of vehicle do you own? I drive a 2003 Pontiac minivan. I call it the Mamo-van since my grandsons call me Mamo.
3. What is your favorite bible verse? One of my favorites is:
Matthew 11:28-30.
28 "Come to me and I will give you rest--all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke. 29,30 Wear my yoke--for it fits perfectly--and let me teach you; for I am gentle and humble, and you shall find rest for your souls; for I give you only light burdens."
One of our family's favorite songs is, "Come to Me," which is based on these verses.
Praise God that He carries our burdens. May He keep you in His tender care.