Ok. I've sat patiently waiting for someone else to start roll call long enough.
Am I the only East Coaster on here?
Let's start by taking a step back from all the hussel and bussel of the holidays. Remove all the traffic, inflated gas prices, crowded stores, over priced gifts, high interest credit cards, tree trimmings, and lights. What's left is a savior in a manger, a FREE gift, a PERFECT gift, an ETERNAL gift. Thank you Jesus!!
1. How old were you when you had your first crush?
2. What kind of vehicle do you own?
3. What is your favorite bible verse?
1. 10
2. Mini Van (not crazy about it, but it is wonderful)
3. I have several. The first one that "popped" in my head though was Romans 5:8

Actually Dawn, I'm on the east coast too but I'm just too busy in the mornings with kids and puppy and then working from home. Anyway, I've also had alittle bit of an adventure this morning. One of my cats decided to bring his friend into the house for a visit. The problem is the friend was a mouse and not a small mouse, a big mouse (although not a rat either). We have fields around us so I'm sure that is where she found it. First it scurries beside the stove, so I move it. Instead of the cat grabbing it, she just paws at it a little.
Then it scurries behind the frig, so I move it. Flower plays with it even more.
So, again, it gets away and goes behind the washer. Well, there is nothing I can do about that. I can't move that thing.
So, I'm sitting at my computer trying to work and constantly looking behind my shoulder and
at anything that touches my feet.
Anyway, it finally makes its way out and tries to hide under one of my husband's shoes. (by the way, he is out of town, so it is just me and the mouse). I go find my older cat thinking she will grab it and then I can throw them both outside. No such luck. She isn't even the least little bit interested. So, I find one of those nets that you take to the beach with you to catch little fish and things floating in the water. Anyway, I grab it and lay it on top of the mouse and grab something thin and stick under it. I take it outside way in back where there are honeysuckle vines grown up and throw it. I've threatening Flower with staying outside forever if that happens again. But at least that little adventure is over and I can keep my feet on the floor without worrying.
Anyway, as for the QOD:
1. I was really young, like 5 or 6 when I had my first crush. I was in love with our local sheriff where I grew up. He and his wife were good friends with my parents.
2. I drive a Mazda Tribute and I do like it a lot. It is a perfect size for us. My oldest daughter is already 5'7.5" tall (at age 12) so we had to have some leg room.
3. The first one that pops into my head is Isaiah 40:31. Someone sent that to us when we were going through a bad time.

1. How old were you when you had your first crush? I was 6 years old
2. What kind of vehicle do you own? I drive a Toyota Corolla "S". It'll be mine in 4 more years..*wink*
3. What is your favorite bible verse? I'm AWFUL in remembering them...but I know I do have 2 favorite ones. Got them written down in my bible...

I'm an east coaster, in southern Maryland. Last night we had our first snow storm and today the trees are covered with a lovely layer of white against the gray bare branches. It is beautiful. I took a nice long walk at lunch today and the air is always so clean right after a snow. Then my neices and nephews were out playing in the snow and they stopped by for a hot drink and a break. My family lives on a farm and we all have homes near each other. It is great to be that close. So I am doing well, I am 7 weeks out and have lost 52 pounds. Back at work and busy with holiday preparations that I barely make time to check on the net to read and update my profile. I'll work on that as a priority!
God bless you all.
I got some AWESOME news today. The hospital called about pre-admissions and they said that all I would owe for the hospital stay is $100 CO-PAY! PRAISE GOD for this bit of news!
1. How old were you when you had your first crush?
4 and he was a visiting college student. I was MADLY in love.
2. What kind of vehicle do you own?
The one I drive is a Ford Expedition and SPEAKING of elevated gas prices...YUCK! I would really rather be driving a mini-van. That is my dream car!
3. What is your favorite bible verse?
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
Hey Everyone - Signing in late today!
What a glorious day - it has been snowing and snowing. I shoveled the driveway (and it is huge) and the walks twice! I couldn't have even of dreamed of doing that just 8 weeks ago! My husband came home and asked my why I wasn't using the snow blower and I told him it was because I was having too much fun in the snow!
1. I can't remember having a crush on anyone. I certainly have one on my husband! He's so cute!
2. Subaru - Fantastic snow car and it gets us up the ski hill beautifully! The gas milage is fantastic and I don't worry about the roads.
3. Everyone probably knows this about me Phil. 4:6-9
Love ya all!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8