OT Prayer please..(LONG)
Hi all~
First let me say that I believe in the power of prayer and I believe that when 2 or more gather and agree Jesus is there in the midst. I believe that with man things are impossible, but with God anything is possible. I believe that Jesus will never leave me or forsake me. I believe that He knew me before I was conceived in my mother's womb. I also believe that God is faithful.
Now that I got that out, let me tell you my situation:
My husband and I bought a house in March of 2004. We prayed diligently before purchasing it to be certain that it was God's will for us to have it. The reason we were so concerned was because 8 months proir the bank foreclosed another home we had owned and we we renting. I asked God for clear direction and we (Nick and I) felt God was telling us that that home was for us. Since we moved in we have had one financial hardship after another. In May 2004 I was fired from my job because I went out on Maternity leave. I collected disability, then unemployment until there was no money left and started job hunting. During that time my husband got fired from his job because they lowered him to part time and he filed for partial unemployement. His boss said he was being sneaky and fired him. (My DH is a minister....I highly doubt he would be sneaky about something) So, I got a lousey job at lousey pay working for a neurologist. 2 days after he hired me I got offered another job for $4.30 MORE an hour....I'm thinking WOW, GOD IS GOOD. So I leave the neurologist go to this new place (FYI: my current job) (Tidbit: The neurologist NEVER paid me for the 16 hours I worked) This all took place in Aug. 05. Ok, so I get hired here and promised the world but instead the company is bought out by Indians and they are relocating the office. My job is no longer needed and I will loose it as of Dec 13 or sooner. We have filed for bankruptcy because the mortgage fell behind. This month was the first month we were supposed to start paying the mortgage again; instead we are more broke than ever (the mortgage is $1200 and we have $67 in the bank...BIG difference)and I'm going to be out of a job in 2 weeks. My husband doesn't make enough money to pay for all the bills. But at the same time, I don't see the sense in looking for a new job if I'm going to be having WLS in the near future. I don't know if I can collect unemployment again because I haven't been here long enough.
Can you guys please pray for God to bless us in our finances? Even through all of this, we have been faithful to tithe and I know that He says that He will open the windows of heaven and pour down such a blessing that we will not have room for it if we do what He asks of us. Also, pray that we will clearly hear the directions He wants us to take. So many times we think that God is telling us to do something, but instead it is our selfisness that is telling us what to do.
Sorry so long. If you read all that...thank you.
In Christ,
Dawn in NJ
Thank you!
That was something that I forgot to mention in my "I believe's": 1 Corinthians 10:13 No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it.
I think that is part of what is making this so hard for me. I KNOW the word, I trust it, so why am I so lost by these situations?

Dawn, I will be praying for you. Please keep me up to date on how you are doing. I can understand what you are going through. After Paul took the job in Arkansas (we were living in Alabama at the time) we put our house on the market. It never sold. We made payments on it for over a year while living in Arkansas and trying to pay rent over there. Anyway, it got to the point that we had no other choice. We had no money left and Paul did not make enough to make two house payments. So, we filed bankruptcy. But, in a way I am glad we did. We are better off now than we were. It is a very hard decision to make and one that needs lots of prayers. I will pray that God makes it clear to you what He wants you to do as far as working. I will also pray for your marriage as well because this can really be very hard on a marriage. Paul and I stayed strong through our financial problems and I pray you do too.

Praise God Nick and I already went through marriage counseling so we understand how to address issues like this without putting strain on the marriage. In addition to that we are both enrolled and go to class every Monday to be licensed biblical counselors as well. (In 2 years we will have our licenses)
That is true though. Marrige is founded or broken by 3 things: Money, Communication, and Intimacy. If any of the three are struggling, the marriage is hurting too. One thing that helps though is this; draw a big triangle on a piece of paper. At the lower left point write your name, at the lower right point write your husband's name, at the top point write "God". The lines of the triangle represent the closeness in the marriage. See how the closer you get to God the closer you get to eachother? Pretty cool.
Our preacher where we lived in Alabama always preached the triangle thing. He always said that if God isn't at the top of the triangle, the marriage won't make it. That has always stuck with me. Paul and I have been married 17 years, 18 in February. I can honestly say he is my best friend and I am so thankful God put him in my life. We have been through quite a bit together but our marriage remains strong. I am praying for you that God will lead you in the right direction. God bless and let us know how things are going.

Thank you. You know, I really try to stay positive. I always ask people, "can stress or anger add one penny to your bank account? If it can't do something so trivial, why is it worth having?" This WLS journey so far has been an emotional one (as I'm sure you can relate) and I think that with that in mind and the holidays coming, and getting ready to loose my job, and the bankruptcy, and the new bills rolling in....sometimes I just let it all get the better of me.
Love ya,