I sent a WLS email to my family and friends~

Thanks Becky for posting on my topic "How do you break the news". I just posted my experiences with telling people this past week http://obesityhelp.com/forums/12-2005/postdetail/495.html?vc=0
Think I'll "re-purpose" your letter for my mass emailings. I also think I'll take Dawn's advice and send it out the night before surgery!
God is awesome, He also has a wierd sense of humor (doctor's kid goes to your preschool, eh?). I was also faced with having to have the surgery sometime before the end of the year (insurance companies and corporations in general are intristically evil
), so did you get a surgery date?
Inquiring minds want to know

All I can say is WOW! What a great idea. I also have a lrge extended family and some of them are scattered all across the U.S. I was wondering how to tell all of my family at once. If you don't mind, I would like to borrow your letter to do the same.
I just love this messageboard!