Wearing binders?
I was wondering how long, postop, we are to wear our binders? I was given a binder in the hospital and wore it for several weeks, but when I no longer had pain, I quit wearing it. I was just wondering what you all did with your binders? Are you still wearing them? I go back to the doctor a week from today, and I suppose I could ask her then, too. Thanks for any insight that you might have!!! God bless you all!!!! Love, Cindy

Hi Lynda, They put a binder around a person's abodomen right after surgery...you wake up with it around you, holding you in place. Then you wear it all the time..you can take it off to sleep if you want. I haven't worn mine though in two weeks, but a fellow sister that had surgery at the same hospital told me that she is still wearing hers. So, I was just wondering if I should still be wearing it? I guess it holds ya together and gives support and such! Thanks anyway & God bless!

Wow - that's interesting - I think I would have liked something like that. Did you have open or lap surgery? I had lap maybe that is why I didn't have one. This last weekend I went and bought some support underpanties and they are nice. Sorry I couldn't help you - do you feel better with it on? Love ya!
God Bless,
Phil. 4:8
Hi Cynthia, I had lap and then later that day had open. But I did not wake up with a binder and was never given one. They just said to use the pillow for support when coughing etc. I am familiar with the use of a binder since I am a nurse. (any other 'old timer nurses may remember the "many tailed binders" we used to use before velcro!) I guess my surgeon just does not generally use them. I can see where it might be helpful though.