on 11/20/05 1:43 pm - Houston, TX
Hi Cynthia! This weekend I spent recuperating from my daughter's 13th bday party and sleep over. Sorry to have gotten on the boards so late.. but glad to be here. Have a great Monday everyone --Cinthya (RNY 12/19/05)
on 11/20/05 1:49 pm - Tucson, AZ
Well it's still Sunday here in Tucson, Arizona. Sorry I am so late at replying. You are right, Sunday is very busy. I sing in all three services. I love to sing praises unto the Lord! Today's sermon was about worshipping God in Spirit and truth. I pray that you all have a blessed week! In Christ Diane-n-az
on 11/20/05 1:59 pm - Little Rock Area, AR
Hey All Y'all~ I am not from the South but, I sure love to say "all y'all" it has such a warm and fuzzy feel to it. I am so thrilled to bit and pieces to see so many new faces and to also basque in the wisdom of all of you. I have been praying for the growth of this board and I think God is answering prayers in a BIG WAY! I am doing pretty well. I am getting things ready to do Thanksgiving at the house. While I KNOW everyone warns against doing the "Last Supper Syndrome!" I admit that I am looking forward to it a LITTLE bit too much. I guess that just shows what an addiction food is for me. I LOVE IT! So, as surgery nears I start to worry that I love food so much I will fail. Then I realize that the devil is just slickin' back his hair and thinkin' "This is TOO easy!" Well, forget it Satan, as Dawn said already today we know how it ends! Ken hasn't emailed me since I asked him for his go ahead on the surgery. That has me a bit worried. But, I gues if he says "no" I will need to talk with him and see why. Or, that just means it was the weekend and he hasn't read his email yet. Who knows. Well, I'd better hit the submit button because according to my watch I have one minute to get this in before it's officially MONDAY ROLL CALL Blessings~ Beck
on 11/20/05 3:58 pm - Glendale, CA
Hello Cindy I'm here,Its just 11:54pm my time and Its still considered Sunday. Sorry so late! I hope you had a good Weekend! I on the other hand had a good Saterday,but my Sunday wasn't to good. Its seems that satan is trying to attack us all,but greater is the Lord. I have been hit left and right and now its about time for me to fight on my knees. God is good and I need to leave my burdens unto him. Please keep me in your prayers, I need all the back up I could get right now. God BLess You Rosie
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