***Saturday's Roll Call***
Hi everybody! Welcome, Cathy and Diane. Hi Stephanie, Debbie, Wendy, Cynthia, Cindy, Sherry, Annette, Cara, Letty, Sally, Shel, Amy, Becky, Rosie, Jacinda, Lynda, and any other brother or sister in Christ who may be reading this roll call. Did I forget any of you regulars? If so, sorry! It's about 1 in the morning, so I thought I'd get Saturday rolling for us. What a wonderful opportunity to come together to praise the Lord and to learn to make our bodies a living temple for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm afraid I fail miserably at times, but I keep trying. I just pray that the the Lord will use my weaknesses and imperfections to His Glory to let His light shine through so that others might see.
Do you mind if I share the words to a song I wrote? It's called:
I think of you, Lord, as I start a new day.
My tears overflow as I start now to pray.
Is there something, Lord, that you want me to do?
A song I can sing to let Jesus shine through?
It's really not me that I want them to see,
But Your goodness and mercy that's shining through me.
They're cold and they're suffering; so many are lost.
But You are the lamb. You've paid the great cost.
Is there something, Lord, that you want me to do?
A song I can sing to let Jesus shine through?
Show me the words that You want me to say,
To tell them, dear Jesus, that You are the way.
They must answer the call and let You come in,
Confess all their wrongs, and turn from their sin.
You will pardon and cleanse them through Your perfect Grace,
And all of their sins You will gladly erase.
Is there something, Lord, that you want me to do?
A song I can sing to let Jesus shine through?
To shine out Your light for the whole world today.
Please make me Your servant and use me, I pray.
WE must answer the call and let You come in,
Confess all our wrongs, and turn from our sin.
You will pardon and cleanse us through Your perfect Grace,
And all of our sins You will gladly erase.
Is there something, Lord, that you want me to do?
A song I can sing to let Jesus shine through?
To shine out Your light for the whole world today.
Please make me Your servant and use me, I pray. AMEN
I pray that you all have a wonderful weekend and that the Lord will rule in all our hearts and minds. God bless you mightily, my dear sisters and brothers in Christ.

Peg, that song does have beautiful words. Well, we are heading to Tallahassee today to see the Barlow Girls and Newsboys in concert. My girls love the Barlow Girls so we decided to take them. After the concert we will start heading towards Arkansas to spend the week with family. I can't wait to see everyone. Anyway, we've got to get packed and ready this morning so we can head out this afternoon. I'm planning on taking my computer (tower) so that I can work while in AR. I'm going to use my mom's internet and screen so that we don't have to take this huge screen with us. Anyway, if you think about us, pray that the Lord will take care of us while we travel. I will be lifting all of you up.

Good Morning, Peg...I am new and was just lurking when I saw this beautiful song you have written. You have a real talent and would love to hear you sing it. I love poetry and hope you don't mind that I have copied it and want to add it to my collection of poems. God bless you..
27 days til surgery
Hi Betsy. Welcome and thanks for your kind words about my song. What an honor to know that you copied it. I just finished reading your profile and it sounds like you have been through a whole bunch of tests. Sorry about the MS thing. I too have had my share of illnesses, but I have so much to look forward to. God bless and keep you, and I'm so glad you are finding friendship and encouragement on the VA board. You can never have too many friends!

Good morning everyone! I swear I thought I posted yesterday but I guess it did not take. I've only been gone a couple of days and already there are a few new faces! What a praise! God is really growing this board. Unless you are new, you have all been in my prayers...big time! I took the sergeant's exam on Thursday. There were 1100 of us so it took about 2 1/2 hours to get everyone seated and to go over instructions. I spent that time praying about EVERYTHING I could think of. So, you all got lots of prayers! I totally gave that exam over to God. As most of you know, I was in the hospital for 20 of the 45 days that we have to study the materials. Well, God worked a miracle! I scored an 88 on a very difficult test with low scores. The list came out yesterday and I was #65 out of 1100. My brother was #154! That means that we will both promote over the next three years!
They have said that they are going to promote 140 in the first batch! That's me! And my brother won't be far behind me!! This is totally to God's glory and I pray that I will serve in a way that honors Him. Isn't it awesome how He aranges events so that we KNOW that it was His will. If I had been able to study the whole time, I would have been tempted to take the credit myself. Now I can't and I think that is so cool! I am so excited to be getting back to a "normal" life. I am eating very well now and only dumping ocasionally. I am feeling stronger everyday. I think I will be back to 100% very soon. I have so much to be thankful for this thanksgiving. I pray that all of you have a wonderful day/weekend full of the Joy of the Lord!
Love, Jacinda