Roll Call for Wednesday
Good morning everyone.
I'm asking for prayers today. I feel depression knocking on my door and am just not feeling very good today. I am having sinus problems and that may be part of it, I'm just not feeling good physically. I woke up with knee pains this morning too that radiates down into my toes. Anyway, don't mean to complain so much, but I do need prayers today so that I will have the strength to fight depression off. I don't even feel like praying this morning but I did say a short prayer. I can tell when it is coming on because I don't even feel like posting to this board. I know if I'm going to fight it off I'm going to need your prayers though. I have so much to be thankful for and I keep reminding myself of that. I met with Kat's teachers yesterday to discuss her 504. She was put in 504 at the end of last year because she has ADHD and was at that time struggling with school. Now she is making all A's and she doesn't qualify but it will always be in her file and if she starts struggling again, she can be put back into 504. Anyway, all of her teachers just bragged about her and wished all of their students were like her. I was so proud!! Then, she gets in the car yesterday and tells me she has been invited into the Beta Club! I just pray that my younger one, Kayla, will get to that point someday and decide to try harder. Anyway, I am going to my Ladies Bible Study this morning. I've made an appointment to get my hair done tomorrow and that always makes you feel better. Paul will be home tomorrow and that will help too. He is truly my best friend (other than our Savior of course).
Anyway, I did take a few minutes this morning to lift everyone here up. I do pray you have just an awesome Jesus filled day! I love you guys! Thanks for always being there.

Hi Shel,
Well you're taking it to the right place~ right at the feet of Jesus. Praying that you feel better and the depression lifts. Dont let it take hold and manifest itself in your life. I'm having sinus problems too. It's allergies from dusting ~this is one dusty house. One little actifed would clear it right up but I can't take it because of my surgery tomorrow. It is so cold here in Michigan it smell's like snow, b-b-b-buuuurrrrr. I've played with the idea of moving to a warmer environment. We'll see. I hope everyone's well today. It seems like we've been missing quite a few people lately. Where are all of our Christian friend's?
God bless you all,
Good Morning All!
Shel, I will be lifting you up to the Lord all day today. I know you are having a hard time. You have been through a lot of changes lately... living in a new place, away from your family, new job, hubby gone all the time. It's only natural that it would start to get to you. But, you have a lot to look forward to... didn't you say you were going to see your family over thanksgiving?, and that hair cut, and hubby coming home. I have a feeling that you are going to be feeling better in no time. You'll have to be because we are all going to be praying for you!
Annette, One more day! You must be feeling all kinds of emotions right now. I will be lifting you up to the Lord every chance I get. I pray that God will guide the surgeons hands and give you a quick and easy recovery. Please check in with us as soon as you can.
Peg, get to quilting! I wish I could do something like that. But, I have no talent and no time. I am still at the point in life where the kids and work take up all my time. Its a great time!
Cindy, don't worry, those pounds are going to start falling off soon! You have probably just hit that 3-4 week plateau. From what I've read, everybody hits it about that time. One thing that you do not have to worry about ever again is losing weight. You ARE going to lose it. It just won't happen overnight. I'm praying for you too though.
Rosie, I am also praying for you that God will protect you and your family from the attacks of the evil one. He is our protector, our refuge, and our hiding place. I pray that He is that for you all now. Stay strong(or weak) and let Him carry you through this time.
Becky, it sounds like things are really moving along for you. When is your surgery date? You told us you got one but did not tell us when! That gall bladder screen is just an ultrasound. It just about put me to sleep! Dark lighting, warm jelly and somebody rubbing your tummy! I'm getting sleepy just thinking about it.
I know I'm probably forgetting a lot of people. If I did, I'm sorry. I do read over these things and pray for you all so don't forget to post and tell us how you are doing! One more day of studying for me and then the test. I took a practice test last night and did terrible. I need a really easy test! All I can do is try. Thank you for all the prayers! I pray that we all will be filled with the Joy of the Lord today!
Love, Jacinda

Hi everyone. I think I'm probably the last one to post here for the day. It's 8:15 p.m., and it has been a busy day. I am so impressed with what everyone has written. In fact, I copied all the "Roll Call for Wednesday" posts and put them into a Word document along with your least of those of you who posted. I printed out the document, and now I can look at all of your lovely faces when I pray for you. Did you know that I can see the light of Jesus shining through you? You are all amazing, and I thank God for you and that I found this message board here at OH.
Now, about my day. I had PT on my shoulders this morning. My DH has gone with me to every doctor appointment before and after my last surgery, but I am finally well enough to go on my own. Praise the Lord! He headed down to visit his folks in southern Oregon for a few days. Again, I praise God that I am well enough that he could go. I got a call after I came home from my younger son. Seems he woke up in severe back pain. He had an injury on the job about a year and a half ago. He's in his mid-30's, so he is not a kid. Anyway, I stopped at Taco Bell and got him some lunch, then stayed at his home until I took him to his dr. appt. this afternoon. Then we got his RX's filled. By the time I got home, it was about 6:30 p.m., and I am tired! I am also grateful again that I was well enough to help him through this. He has always been there for me.
That's it for now. Just wanted to say hi and to let you know how dear you all are to me. God bless and keep you in His tender care.

Hey Shel~
AWESOME news about Kat! That is fantastic.
But, also much prayer for you: My sister fights with severe depression. I know what you mean when you say you feeling coming on. I will pray that Satan will release his hold on you and that God will protect your heart and mind against this. (Don't get me wrong, I believe in treatment 155%!! I just want to pray for you ALONG with whatever else you do!!) I just want to intercede for you my friend.
In the middle of the night I thought of you and prayed for you. I am praying that God will give you peace that suprises you and that he will guide the surgeons hands. Praying for the most boring operation in the world:wink:!! Sorry about the yucky sinuses too...tis the season, huh? You too Shel!
Jac~STUDY ON SISTA' I pray that all your studying will be fruitful!
Lynda~God bless you too! I hope you are losing like crazy!
Cynthia, Cindy~The same goes for you ladies as well!!!
I have one prayer request: DH called from overseas and he sort of got bent out of shape about the cost of the surgery. (Ins covers 90%! But, we still have to come up with 10%) This was a worry for him in the past, but he gave his go ahead. Now, I think as things progress he gets more nervous. I don't want him to worry. I just ask that you pray that SOMEHOW God will make a way to pay for this. Pray that the money will come from places we least expect it! Like I said, I think it's just becoming too real to him. But, I know he supports me in the end. I just don't want to go against God's will. I really believe that surgery is what God wants for me, when I say that I feel so peaceful. But, now when this came up, I just sort of got into a funk. When dh asked about the money, I said "I guess I didn't think it mattered how much it cost if it meant it would save my life." He didn't reallly say much. Granted we were talking over a delayed Air Force connection and he was amidst all of his co-workers. Makes things difficult to be private. Anyway, if you could just throw prayers my way and also for my dh. I still don't feel like this is the stop sign from God, but it hurts that dh isn't in FULL support.
I crown you FRIEND
if you read through my ramblin's