Rick Warren poll again.....

Sally C.
on 11/11/05 5:44 am - colesville, MD
"Purpose Driven" sales have sort of leveled off, is the market saturated or has Rick Warren's philosophy been tested against the scriptures? Please provide your input, positive or negative? My opinion is, (for what it's worth)......His doctirine and philosiphy are way off base from true Biblical teachings of Christ. JC wanted us to see ourselves as we truly are, wretched sinners in need of a Savior. Once we have Christ as the owner of our heart, only then can we begin to be lovable by God. This is just the beginning of the change. His writings (books, that sell for $20+), seem to convey that we are just a little bit misguided (lost), and that we are just "looking for a purpose," and should love ourselves, "afterall God made us just as we are". Yes, God is a creator and he did uniquely design each one of us. But again, we are a selfish sinful race, all of us. We are running as fast as we can toward hell and without God's provision in Christ Jesus, we are assuredly bound for it. BTW, I was told to leave my Bible at home when I attended a Purpose Driven study, only because, "it confuses things". What say you? I promise to respect your opinion, I'm just interested to see how this philosophy has been received among the Christian community. Sally Colossians 1:13-14 God has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sin. Isaiah 53:6 ALL we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him (JC) the iniquity of us ALL.
Debbie G
on 11/11/05 9:39 pm - Hartland, WI
Hi Sally, I actually read and studied the Purpose Driven Life. And yes I was TOLD to bring my Bible along. For me, it was such a turning point in my life. I was not a believer (raised catholic, no disrespect to those who are) and now I pratice a non-demontional faith. Born Again-as Jesus so aptly applies to Nicodemus. I love the first line of the book...ITS NOT ALL ABOUT YOU. How true. Harsh words for some, who can be self centered and what does it do for me attitude. (me at one time). What I got out of it was to follow Jesus' example. Love, Forgive, Fellowship, Evangelize etc. Also finding out, I can't do anything with out the Lord. I gave my heart, my soul, my life to Jesus all because of that study. I AM SAVED. For me, after studying, I just wanted to live a purposeful life for my Saviour. To do his will everyway with His Guidance, Love, Wisdom and discernment. All this happened to me a little over 2 yrs ago. My 3 children are now saved, tho my husband is still a hold out. (Please pray for him). My study was great at applying Biblical verses with each and every chapter. By the way, we were either baby christians or not christians at all when I did this study. So maybe it depends on how the book affects you and where you are in your walk of faith!!!!! I don't seem to be as far in my walk of Faith as you are, it seems to me you are long on your way. So maybe thats why you have the views you do. My cousin who is 33 yrs saved sort of feels the same way. If Rick Warren books seems to be misguided for older Christians, just look at what God did with it. He used that book for His purpose, to have me put my faith in Jesus. Thank you my Loving Father. I have been on fire ever since. Some day I would love to share my testimony. Just my opinion. I don't want to offend anyone either. Just remember, we are all connected by one common bond. The blood of Jeus Christ. In His love and mine, Debbie G.
Sally C.
on 11/12/05 7:02 am - colesville, MD
Thank you for sharing Debbie. Peace be with you sister. Anyone else? Sally
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