Friday's roll call
Hello everybody,
Happy Friday to you all. Things are looking pretty good for the people on this board. God is so good. It's late aftrenoon, and I didn't see a roll call for today so just thought I would start one. Hope everyone had a wonderfull day in christ today. Enjoy your weekend. Any special plans or prayer requests out there that you may want to share?
God bles you all,
Hello, I didn't get to check in yesterday so thought I would today.
Hope everyone is having a good day. I found out for sure today that my surgery date is off. It did not come as a surprise since I knew my surgeon had cancelled all the surgeries for the last of Sept and for Oct so far. Sure enough mine is cancelled too. They have no idea when he will start doing surgeries again (he had an accident and injured his hand). so I have already taken steps to move my stuff to another bariatric surgery center.
I would appreciate it if you would say a prayer for me that this transition will go smoothly. I am told that it is still very possible to have this surgery before the end of the year.
Blessings all!
Good afternoon all!
Would you all please keep my mom in your prayers? She told me this morning that she found out yesterday that she has skin cancer. It is not the serious one, melanoma, thank our good Lord. They are going to remove it on the 19th. She has had so many problems lately and I worry about her. Her knees are bad and she is looking at knee replacement in the future. She is also having problems getting her diabetes under control. Any and all prayers would be greatly appreciated!!
Other than that, things are going okay. Gina, I will pray that all goes well with a new surgeon. I don't blame you for switching one bit. And of course I will continue to keep everyone in my prayers.
I prayed for you today. I am sure that making a transition feels overwhelming. God must have a reason for this. I hope all goes well for you. Keep us posted.
I am SO sorry about your mom. That must feel SCARY. I pray that God will heal her quickly and that there will be no further complications!!
I am SUPER late, but I wanted to check in. My lil' girl is feeling better today. The only other prayer request I have is for dh. He is leaving for Kyrzgystan for three months. His leave date is October 23rd. As the day nears I get a lil' anxious.
I am doing beautifully. Fall is here and the colors are AMAZING! God is evident in all of it. I am thankful to know Him and honored to love Him.
Just wanted you to know that I'm lifting up you and your husband. That will be hard I'm sure. My dh is a sales rep and him being gone for the week is hard, I can't imagine for three months. May God wrap his arms around both of you and take care of each of you while you are away from one another.
Hi Annette,
Thanks for your post. I am battling spiritual warfare, and my back has been acting up again/herniated disk-bulging disk. Please pray for God to heal my back completely and to give me the strength to fight His battles when called to do so. Also, please pray for my husband who is flying to Iraq and Kuwait, he will be home sometime this week...I hope. The terrible earthquake in Asia, Pakistan and Afghanistan may change his schedule. We need to pray for all those people who were affected by the tragedy of the earthquake and their families. May they know the Lord, and may He give them strength to endure this tragedy.
In His Service,
Love you all, God Bless,