Need peace from God
No, my mom has never had a weight problem. I keep trying to explain to her that the obesity and its complications ARE killing me. She had a friend who had stomach stapling surgery 25 years ago and died (at the age of 28) so she thinks I will not survive.
She feels that I am trying to force my will onto God. She worries that complications could make my life worse and not better. She worries that I will die and not be able to raise my 13 year old son. She has so many arguments against it that she will not read my research.
I am 51 years old already. I know I face dire consequences without the surgery...
Thank you for your support. Keep me in your prayers.
Sher Lo
My dad was against this as well, but 6 weeks ago I had my surgery, and I can tell you that my recovery and surgery was nothing short of a testimony to the power of prayer. I was extremely high risk, prior stomach surgery that had to be reversed first, my doctor was not sure that I should do it, and told me it was a risky procedure.
I immediately went to God and asked Him to please close the door to this if it is not meant for me to proceed. The very next morning I awoke at 7am and called and it was approved!! I had been waiting weeks for the final approval, so I know God's hand was in this, as it should be.
When my dad saw me a few weeks later for himself, he lives out of town, he changed his mind about the surgery, and now my mother is contemplating it as well. I did lose several "friends" over the surgery, but we know that it was not really the surgery, but my witness to them. Some people can't understand it, but its really not their place to if God has given you a peace about it. I felt this decision was between God, myself, and my husband, and my doctor. If they did not approve, then I understood it was their ignorance that was blocking their understanding. Your mom is scared, so just pray that God will take away that spirit of fear, and please know that I will be praying as well.
I pray that God will give you and your family a peace beyond understanding, and that His hand will guide you in His perfect will.
God Bless, take care,
Deborah Schueler