Prayer request for my husband
Please keep my husband Bill lifted in prayer. He suffers with 3 forms of cancer and has been in a lot of pain for the last couple of days. He never says a word of complaint. But I can look at him and see the pain in his face. I have prayed and layed hands on my husband for God's healing hand to deliver Bill from all this pain. I can hardly imagine being in so much pain. I saw him taking his pain meds several times over the last couple of days. He usually only takes it once or twice a day as needed. I am asking you to pray for Bill today, asking our Lord to grant him abundant grace, godly strength and peace to be able to endure this valley.
I thank God for each and every one you for being willing to stand in the gap for my husband. I praise His Holy Name for placing such godly friends in my life. May God continually bless you all.
Cara (coG627)