I have a date!
Hi Everyone! My surgery date is September 29, 2005. I am feeling every emotion imagineable right now. I am excited and scared at the same time. Please keep me and my family in your prayers for the next few weeks. Pray that I am doing the right thing and pray for peace for my family. Also, please pray that I find a Christian angel near by before my surgery. I would like to have one but if not I know the Lord will have all the real ones standing by just the same. God is Good!!!
Your emotions are indeed very normal. I was so nervous ahead of surgery thinking I was making a mistake, or that I didn't really need to do this. WRONG!
I'm now 4 months post-op and I'm loving life!!!
The other rather unexpected benefit of this surgery for me was that once I stopped compulsively eating, a whole new world opened up between me and Jesus. What has always been a touch-and-go, sometimes close-sometimes far away relationship is now a thriving love relationship between me and God. I have a peace inside now that I could never have had while I was compulsively overeating.
Thank you JESUS!!!
Thanks Annette and Tom! You guys are such an inspiration. About an hour after I posted this message, I had a calm and peace come over me. I knew right away that it had to be someone praying for me. God is so awesome! This is where I'm headed. I don't think I'll have any trouble sleeping tonight. You guys have a great night and thank you again for the prayers!
I know it's so much easier to SAY "be at peace" than it is to actually FIND that peace sometimes.
Have faith.....I wish you peace and strengthened faith....faith and fear cannot exist in the same place.
Philippians 4:6 (New International Version)
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Kandy (non-op)
I know exactly what you're talking about Jac! One moment I'm and the next Well, not really, I couldn't jump like that right now if my life depended on it! But give me and Jesus some time and I will be! PTL!!! (They need a PTL or Thank You, Jesus emoticon!) I'll keep you in my prayers too! Keep us informed! God bless!