Wheres Randall?
Thanks for saying something. I noticed too. Hope he's okay.
May I say one thing? I noticed all of us post with good thoughts an blessings, but many do not even acknowlege that they read them. Sometimes we need to affirm each other with just an Amen, ya' know?
Hey Randell hope you're doing well.
Hi Sally. I'm ok. So nice of you guys to ask about me. Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I've had server problems and finally got that resolved, then school began and I've been busy with my son in the Band, me doing concessions, my daughter Cheering, and then I was elected as PTA Treasurer. Whew! Thank God for HIS supernatural strength. I promise to start back posting this week. I never want to put anything ahead of God and HIS Ministry! God bless you. Randall
Hey Annette. Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I've had server problems and finally got that resolved, then school began and I've been busy with my son in the Band, me doing concessions, my daughter Cheering, and then I was elected as PTA Treasurer. Whew! Thank God for HIS supernatural strength. I promise to start back posting this week. God bless you all. So nice of you to ask about me. God bless you! Randall