God moves in mysterious (but good) ways
In my basement I have an excess of handme down clothes for my daughter. She is very fussy...and by the time she grows into them she won't wear them. Today she started Kindergarten at our Parochial school so uniforms are the clothes...so we need even less clothes.
I had said to my husband..I've got to unload these clothes. Maybee freecyle them, and after the hurricane..We are getting folks in Massachusetts..I said maybee some coming will have a young girl.
Then today at his work they announced (sadly)an employee lived in NO was relocated to Atlanta with nothing. She had 2 young girls....and needs clothes. Wouldn't you know God knew I had these clothes itching to give to someone who could use them--in the right size.
Glory Be!
I am going to start to pack them up tonight and tomorrow and his work will ship them off to the associate.
I am happy to be helping.