Hurricane Katrina - You can do something!

on 9/6/05 9:05 am - Greenbelt, MD
My family and friends, I have heard a lot of negative comments about who is to blame for the poor response and relief efforts for the Gulf Coast states and the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Most of them point the finger of blame directly at President Bush. Although I do not think Mr. Bush is without blame for the poor response to this disaster relief, I do believe he is not solely responsible. The Mayor of New Orleans, Louisiana state Governor, FEMA as well as other local agencies all share the responsibility for this travesty of errors. The mayor of New Orleans had at least five days notice of the potential power and danger that Hurricane Katrina proposed. He had at his disposal 2,000 city buses (not to mention school, commercial & private buses); each bus could transport 50 passengers out of the city to safety. That's 100,000 people folks who could have made it to safety before the brunt of the storm hit! Yet he did not act. We've all heard about the armed gangs terrorizing the people at the Superdome and of shots being fired at the rescue helicopters as they tried to evacuate the victims. But did you know that the governor of Louisiana ordered the release of over 7,000 prisoners from the state prisons and that these criminals are the very ones who have stolen guns and ammunition; organizing the gangs that have terrorized, raped and even killed the victims, including children!?! These criminals are the ones responsible for shooting at the rescuers. Why haven't we heard about these incidents on the major news networks or papers??? Yes I do believe that racism has played a part in all of this. But I want to remind each of you that it is time to stop looking for someone to blame. That is just wasted energy. It is time to do whatever we can to assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina. These people are our families, our friends and they have lost everything! It is time for us to act. There is nothing you do; no amount of money donated that would be considered too small. The best and fastest way to help is by donating money. Money allows the greatest amount of freedom for the Emergency agencies to get the aid most needed to the areas hardest hit immediately. You have said that you do not trust these relief agencies and that you think they may misappropriate your donations. I have said this before and I am saying it again--PUT YOUR FAITH AND TRUST IN JESUS CHRIST TO PROVIDE FOR THEIR EVERY NEED! TRUST IN HIM, AND HIM ALONE, THAT HE WILL ENSURE THAT THE MONEYS COLLECTED WILL BE USED ACCORDING TO HIS WILL! If you give nothing, you help no one. Give with the right spirit and no with a contrite heart. The survivors need our help and our prayers, not a lot of rhetoric. There is an old adage that we used to practice in typing class years ago: "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country." NOW IS THE TIME!! Donate cash; donate your time and energy, donate clothes. DONATE! DONATE! DONATE! Contact the American Red Cross, The Salvation Army, most of our local churches have already started collecting donations and shipping them down to the Gulf Coast areas right now. You must act now. Here is a list of some websites and contact numbers that can be contacted for online or telephone donations: AMERICAN RED CROSS - (to donate online) or call: (800) HELP NOW (435-7669) English (800) 257-7575 Spanish SALVATION ARMY - or call: (800) SAL-ARMY (725-2769) OPERATION BLESSING - or call: (800) 436-6348 KIDS IN DISTRESSED SITUATIONS - CATHOLIC CHARITIES, USA - or call: (703) 549-1390 CHRISTIAN DISASTER RESPONSE - Or call: (941) 956-5183 or (941) 551-9554 To share housing: The Lord has already blessed you. Now you can pass the blessing to others. Agape, coG627 B.
Sally C.
on 9/6/05 12:28 pm - colesville, MD
Claude Allen, (google his name please), Domestic Advisor to Pres. Bush is a member of my church, Covenant Life, Gaithersburg, MD. He was in New Orleans on behalf of the Prez right away, he states it is "Fellow Americans", not people of certain social/eco/racial class, that are suffering. He pled through his tears that we NOT look beyond the immediate need and send cash now. I agree in word and deed. He wiped his eyes, while he shared the horror and fear our neighbors in LA/MS/AL and what they are dealing with. One thing that made me take notice was when he told us of the Mayor's time with the Prez, saying the first shower Naglin had was on Air Force 1, after three days in the same clothes. He also reminded us that many of the officals in charge of the evacuation are themselves were either missing for awhile, (not that they ran, but b/c communication failures), or working while uncertain of the fate of their own loved ones also. Wow! There again, I agree wholeheartedly that we must act now by sending whatever funds we can, (til it hurts), but most importantly spend our time praying for all those poor poor victims and stop spending our time looking for blame. It is 7 days since the storm and the city is finally, nearly empty and the re-building is underway. Please refer to my comments on the message board, "Our God of second chances". We are very fortunate in the country and many, (including myself), sometimes take threats (such as hurriciaines, tornadoes, terrorism, etc.), as nonsense. Many, many, many were told to leave and made the bad descision to stay. For whatever reason they remained in the path of Katrina, we still no doubt owe to them as "Fellow Amercians" the help without limits. Yes dear one, I shall pray for God's will and thank you. A co-worker of mine didn't hear from his adult daugther and her 2 children until Thursday when she on their way to Houston. They still aren't sure what has happened to her husband. The house is gone and the cafe she managed (her job), washed away. So please add Karen Moran to your prayer list . Thanks for your comments coG627 B., Sally Open RNY 10-01-05, 242 09-01-05, 165
on 9/7/05 12:01 pm - Greenbelt, MD
Thank you Sally for letting others know a little bit more of the real truth of what happened within the first couple of days. God bless you! Cara
Sally C.
on 9/9/05 10:05 pm - colesville, MD
No, thank you sister. The after effects continue to haunt my heart. I still find myself just feeling overwhelmed by greif and need time to cry. And I wasn't directly affected by the damage. I'm grateful that I know where my family members are, my home and job are still intact. I can't begin to understand what it is like to have absolutely nothing and not know the fate of my familiy members. God be with those poor desperate souls! I know history is plagued with examples of moments of such suffering, (exit from Egypt, Noah, Daniel, Paul etc.), and they leaned on God. I am burdened that few will seek our Lord's invitation for salvation in this troubled time. It was only when I felt completely alone and broken, did I finally submit my life to the Lord. Let us pray that in this tragic situation, the Lord will be exalted by many, and become the God of our nation again. "if my people, will humbly pray, seek my face, then I will hear them and heal their land" (not an exact quote, forgive me). Jeepers, I didn't mean to go so long. I need to go read some of David's writings for wisdom. Be blessed dear ones, Sally
on 9/10/05 2:37 am - Greenbelt, MD
You spoke eloquently as far as I'm concerned. I feel the same way. I just want to cry and hug my family and thank the Lord that we are together and healthy. My heart breaks whenever I see what the survivors have had to deal with and continue to do so. About 500 survivors came to Wash., DC and I did call and register to volunteer. I'm waiting for them to call me back with times. I want to do something, anything I can to help. I am praying for them always. Cara (coG627 B.)
Sally C.
on 9/9/05 10:10 pm - colesville, MD
Just went to your profile. Hooray! Hooray! You've been approved! Let us know how things progress and when/where you're scheduled to go in. Wow, sooooo happy for you! We're waiting for you to come over to the losing side. There's always room for more,(as we shrink, HA!). Praying for you, Sally
on 9/10/05 2:39 am - Greenbelt, MD
No information yet. I will post as soon as I get confirmation on my surgeon and surgery date. Cara
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