Aaaarrrgggh...I just needed to vent
Hey Christianity Board,
Please forgive me - I just have a need to vent. I'm so overwhelmed - I'm crying - can't quit - sooooo tired - sooooo frustrated - so helplesss - I just don't know what to do. Omigosh - dont you just hate whiners? Tell me to shuddup - but send me some hugs - I could really used them - OK?
- hugs - dea
Momma's sick again - going back to rehab - I always hated being the only child - She's so mad @ me - I'm going thru identity crisis - I feel like such a failure - as a wls patient - I've not lost any weight in a month now - I'm addicted to s/f fraps - I'm a miserable daughter - I sure can't please her - I've neglected my kids - I'm a awful mom - I don't feel like I've been there when Mark needed me recently - I'm a awful wife- Can I say FAILURE - I just can't seem to connect with superwoman - and okay- okay - I'm shudding up and going back into hiding
Dee, I am sorry you are having a hard time. It sounds like Satan has his hold on you and you are right where he wants you to be...
You are a child of God, created in His image. That means you have the victory already!!! Praise God!!
I don't know your issues, but I know you are not the failure you think or feel you are.
Talk to God, He'll bring you up and make you feel better. Sending healing hugs and prayers to you
Yolanda Adams sings a song that's named "NEVER GIVE UP". I try to live by that. By never giving up. If you look at my post for my one year anniversary you'll see that i've been through allot but it's HIM who keeps me strong. Don't loose your faith. It's now more than ever when you need to call out to him. He listens and nows what your going through.
I'm gonna have to do a search and read the lyrics to that song - sounds like a good one. I read your profile - You are a strong faithful woman of God and an inspiration. I'm gonna hang on to my faith and my God - He is the one thing I know I can count on - everything else will let me down.
Love ya girl!
- hugs - dea
Hey Dea! I'm here for ya and I'm praying too. You can vent all you want. Just keep the faith and stop putting yourself down. YOU ARE SOMEBODY!! You ARE a great daughter! You ARE a great wife! You ARE a great Mom! You ARE a WINNER in all you do because the Greater ONE lives in you! The ANNOINTED ONE lives in YOU!! Stand tall! Keep the faith! Please send us your Mom's address again ok! Love ya Sis! Randall