New to Board, Looking for some support
I am going through some internal turmoil right now. Last Tuesday I got a surgery date for July 12th. I have been waiting for this and excited about this journey for quite some time. I had not been nervous about this decision until I started filling out the paper work for medical leave from my job.
This past Sunday I was Baptized, and in our small groups from church we are reading Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life. Now I am confused, I feel this surgery is the best thing for me and my long term health. There will be so many benefits to not carrying around the weight of two persons. But, how do I know that this is truly in Gods plan for me? Am I being selfish by changing the way He has designed my body? I have been preying that I am making the right choice.
Are there any words of wisdom, encouragement, or advice from my fellow Christians?
Here's a scripture verse and some thoughts. I hope they help.
1 Corinthians 11:31 (NIV)--"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." Think about it this way, the question isn't whether to have the surgery or not; the question is how will the surgery help you to glorify God? What will you be able to do after the surgery and the weight loss that will help bring others to Christ? For many of us, weight loss (either from surgery or on our own) brings greater confidence in ourselves. Use this confidence to share with others how God has blessed your life.
Hi Li. I always say if a blind man had the option of having surgery to regain his sight, would he pass it up because God made him this way? Or would he rejoice that God lead him to the surgery so he could bring glory to Him and give testimony to others? I believe the Lord lead me to the surgery. peace
I feel that God has found and connected me to this surgery. WLS has been out there for a while then one day the light bulb goes off. Why--Because God has sent his grace for us.
Also,in the past I never prayed or asked for help when dieting. I always felt that this was my mess I got myself into-I needed to get myself out. Or I would say, If God wanted me to be thin-he would help me.
Well this time is different--He showed me the way and I pray every day for his help and to keep me on a good path.
This time is different. I am not walking this alone.
Best to you.
Hi Li! I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God led me to have this surgery. God "heals" us in several ways. Healing comes in different forms. We know according to the Word of God that HE is our healer. Isaiah 53:5 says "He was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of our peace is upon him and with his stipes, we are healed"! Also read First Peter 2:24. God has truly healed me through this surgery. I was taking 13 pills a day before, now I am down to 1 besides my Vitamins. I KNOW I will be off of that 1 pill before long. God uses physicians to bring healing. I know that God gives the Dr.'s the wisdom and knowledge that they have. So, look at it that way. I had questions like you and these questions are all "normal" questions that we have. God is in control if we let him be. I know He will give you the peace you need. Give it all to Him and listen to His voice. God Bless, Randall
Hello - I'm new to this board but I have peeked in a time or two. I just wanted to share this.....
The devil is a liar! Who would best bennefit if you didn't have this surgery? God's Kingdom or the devils? We are charged to do God's work, difficult to do if you're dead or so disabled due to co-morbidities that you can't work for the kingom of our Father God. The devil would love for you to be out of commission.
You are wonderfully well and blessed and highly favored by the Lord. Since God didn't give us a spirit of fear but a sound mind, I restate....
the devil is a L I A R!
Blessings in your upcoming surgery!
In the Zoo