A journey for life..
I've lurked here for a few months, but haven't posted on this forum. I wanted to share, a couple of days before my surgery, how God has blessed me.
I never thought I would travel down this road. After all, I bent the elbow that carried the food to my mouth, I could learn to not do that right? Last year, God started to show me more and more people at work and outside of work who had the surgery. The more I was against having it, the more I saw about it. So I decided to attend an informational seminar. It sounded great, but I would only do the band. My spirit didn't sit well on that decision. I debated it many times with my husband.
"I won't let them rearrange my insides.." He looked at me and smiled.. "You already did once.." Oh yeah.. When I was 8, I had bladder reconstruction, which rearranged my insides... hmmmm..
So, I decided to pursue RNY. I was nervous, especially when all the road blocks started. First, my insurance was going to deny it. The doctor's office was certian as they only let patients use two specific hospitals and specific doctors for this. Two weeks after my psych appointment, a day or so after submitting it, my nurse called and told me, in amazement, that I was approved. Thank you Lord! My parents, especially my mom, thought like I did for years that it wasn't right. I was terrified to tell her. She said she was happy for me and wanted to be here to help me. They are proud of my decision. Thank you Jesus! My husband's insurance changes May 1st, where we would have to pay more for the surgery than we do today. I was certian I would not be able to get in before then. My date is April 20th! Thank You Lord! I found an abcess on my gums. Everyone said I wouldn't be able to get it taken care of in time. Friday, I had three teeth pulled with the approval of my surgeon. Surgery is on! Thank You Jesus!
Am I afraid? Sure.. some what. But I see this path.. and I know that God has this for me. And so.. I will walk this journey.
Thanks for your prayers. I am so excited for what God has for me!