looking for spiritual application:homework!
Can someone help me with my child's science homework?
She needs a spiritual application for her project and I guess I am just brain dead at the moment.
She took 3 pair of socks and with two pair walked through dirt, grass, mud.
So we have 6 jars with water:
2 have totally new clean socks
2 have dirty slightly washed socks
2 have dirty socks
1/2 of the jars (one from each above category) went in the shade.
1/2 of the jars went into the sun
The outcome is this:
Both jars with clean sock/water/shade/sun still had clean socks/water.
Jar with slightly washed sock/shade had a little stuff growing in the water, but not much
Jar with slightly washed sock/sun had a little more growth than the one in the shade
Jar with dirty sock/shade had more growth in it than the slightly washed sock/shade.
Jar with dirty sock/sun had a lot of stuff growing in it!
I can't figure out a spiritual application. The first thing that came to my mind was cleanliness is next to godliness, but that's not actual scripture!
The other thing I keep thinking is that God had a plan for the grass seeds, weeds etc... to travel and grow, even if it's on our feet.. but can't think of a scripture to go with this idea line...
I think I need more coffee...
Donna: There is that verse about seed being sown in fallow ground. The other thing that comes to mind is that we are washed clean in the blood of the Lamb, but don't know if you can apply that. Well, except that as we walk around in life we get "muddy and dirty" and bad stuff grows in our soul until we are saved?! Probably not much help, sorry! Pam
I thought right away about how the world may look at our sins (the dirt), and judge it in varying degrees of filth. But as God sees it, filth is filth and we will never be rid of the stain of sin, the grimm of sin, or the terrible disgusting odor of our sins, until we wa**** in the blood of Jesus.
I hope that helps.
How about 'forgiveness'?
When we don't forgive or ask for forgiveness of our sins we get covered in sin and the dirt of the world and the Father cannot hear our prayers.
Joh 9:31 "But we know that God does not hear sinners, _but_ if anyone is God-fearing [or, devout] and is doing His will, this one He hears.
1Jo 1:8 If we claim, "We do not have sin," we lead ourselves astray [fig., deceive ourselves], and the truth is not in us.
Joh 8:34 Jesus answered them, "Most positively, I say to you*, that every one committing [or, practicing] sin is a slave of sin.
When we ask for forgiveness, God forgives us but is unable to clean us completely and sin can still cling to us and grow in our lives.
Mat 6:12-15 'And forgive us our debts [fig., sins], in the same way as _we _ also forgive our debtors [fig., the ones having sinned against us].
'And do not lead us into temptation, _but_ deliver us from evil [or, from the evil [one]]. Because Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory into the ages [fig., forever]! So be it [Gr. amen]!'
"For, if you forgive the people their transgressions, your Father, the [One] in the heavens, will also forgive you,
but if you do not forgive the people their transgressions, neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.
Mar 11:25 "And whenever you stand praying, be forgiving, if you are holding anything against anyone, so that also your Father, the [One] in the heavens, shall forgive you of your transgressions.
Mar 11:26 "But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father, the [One] in the heavens, forgive your transgressions."
The clean socks represent that no matter where you are, if you ask for forgiveness and forgive others also then you are clean before the Father and He can hear Your prays unhindered.
Luk 6:37 "And stop judging, and by no means shall you be judged. Stop condemning, and by no means shall you be condemned. Be forgiving, and you will be forgiven.
1Jo 1:9 If we are confessing our sins, He is faithful [or, trustworthy] and righteous that He shall forgive us our sins and cleanse [or, purge] us from all unrighteousness.
I am sure you can find others to support the premise... :D
I hope this is not against the rules here.
What about Matthew 25:14-30. Filthy socks 5 talents, dirty socks 2 talents, clean socks 1 talent. Staying in the shade means not getting out and actively using your talent. Being in the sun means actively using your talent. Being in the sun (Son) things grow.
This is a long shot but maybe it will help.