Thanks for your prayers. Date Set
Thank you for all your sincere prayers. The Lord has forgiven my sin of letting this body he gave me get so fat and out of shape. As I walked apart from the Lord for those many years, I thought I was in charge of it and I see that is not so. The Lord has listened to all your prayers for me and he has whispered to my heart. He Flung all doors WIDE open in a matter of one or two day and it was incredible. At first my advisor said all the dates were filled up months out for all the surgeries and preliminary tests and in a matter of one day, I was set for ALL my tests the following week and someone cancelled their surgery date and I have that one.
MARCH 29TH !!! I know this is not the magic bullet. I know it is hard work, but mostly I know that it is God filtered and so it is most definitely coming from Him!
Brothers and sisters, I have heard from several of you with notes of prayer and encouragements. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Right now I am a little too embarrassed to post my photo...but soon, real soon.
God Bless and keep you all. I love you!