What do I do ...
I come here today asking for your advice... I am in the Middle of one crazy family battle .. it has caused my family not to speak to me . I will give you the skinny .,.
I found out that my brother - purchased my mothers home .. he never consulted any of us other children . I have no problem with this other than my mother for years told me the house would be mine when she passed ... Ok .. I am over that .. but when I asked her why ... she told me that for years she knew that my dad and I had some type of sexual relationship... Where did this come from .. This was not true and the statement has devistated me . I mean my faith was almost gone when she said that to me .. as I asked God .. How could she say anything like that to me .. when #1 it is not true and this is my mother .. if she loved me why would she hurt me like this .. Why ? Well it all came together .. all the years of pain that she and I endured .. it hit me that she was jealous of my dad's love for me . She went on to tell me that her plans for me where to never have anything in this life and she was going to see to it that I never did .... A few days went by then I received a letter from my 2 brothers both telling me to never step foot on her property again .. and that basiclly they where never speaking to me again ...
I am so hurt .. My own baby sister who I raised will not speak to me .. One of my brothers who is a deacon in the church ..even emailed me in a hurtful way .. I have asked God why ... the weight of all of this is so hard .. I just do not know what to do .. I have asked God to release this from me but it is still here ..
What do I do .. I miss my sister .. I miss my Mom ..even though for many years she was so mean to me .. Do I just forget about them .. I pray everyday for healing ...
I had second thoughts about posting this .. but I truly need some advice ..
Thank you ..
I wish I had some advise for you. The only thing I can tell you is to pray for them and keep praying for them. Our God is awesome and He knows what they've done is wrong. Just continue to pray for them and ask God for healing in those relationships. God does answer prayer. It may not be immediate like we want it to, but He still answers prayer. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers also. And no, you can never just forget about them. Give them their space like they've asked for. I would just let them know that you love them and you are there when they want to talk about this.
Love, Shelly
Sweetie this is very hard for you - yes I would continue to pray for them. I keep feeling in my spirit that God wants you to cry to Him - get close to Him - lean on Him through all this. Sometimes God will get us aside when He wants us to love on Him and spend time with Him alone. Only God can change hearts and He has seen what is happening. I ask God to bless you sister and know that what God blesses no one can curse...it will work out. I also ask God to give you peace in your heart. I know this has to be hurting you. I pray the peace of God on you and know that God will never leave you nor will He forsake you - I ask Him to hide you in the shadow of His wings and shield you. Be blessed - get closer to Him - He is your defender.
No one can truly know what you are going through except you and God. I have been through and am still going through a similar situation. I couldn't figure out why I am treated differently by my family, and made fun of, or criticized, when my siblings seem to receive all of my parents' love and support, yet I am left to fend for myself. It seems that lately things are getting worse. Especially now that I am born again and involved in church.
It says in the Bible that in the end days it will be fathers against sons, mothers against daughters, etc. I believe this is what we are encountering. God spoke to me and explained that just because you have relations with people through blood, it does not make them a family. Your true family is with Christ and His church. This is where you will find the love and support you long for.
Remove yourself from what distracts you from God's purpose. Pray for your enemies. But most of all forgive.
Email me if you need me.
Love from a sister in Christ.