Update On My Best Friend
Awhile back I had posted that I found out my best friend of many years had cancer. Sadly she spent three weeks in the hospital over the holidays but by the grace of God is home again. They had said her cancer was not spreading, now they say it is aggressive and fast spreading. Her kidneys had stopped functioning and her blood had so much urine in it they had to give her either three or four blood transfusions. They also had to put tubes directly in through her back to get her kidneys to work again. Thank God it worked. I still have not been to see her due to all she has been going through. I now hope to see her in Feb. She did say she is now willing to take offers of help. She is so stubborn she wouldn't accept help from anyone but her two kids till now. I'm just glad she's still with us.
On a lighter note the marching band from one of our kids schools is going to play at President Bush's inauguration this week. Let's pray they have a safe trip there and back and play the best they've ever played!