Thanks To God and To All Of You Intersessors
Thanks to all of you who interceded on my behalf. A real miracle happened today that really shocked my lawyer and myself! I walked into the hearing and the judge began the hearing with your Primary Physician's records will not be used in this hearing as additional explaination was not given regarding his right to complete the previously sent Social Security Disability form. He argued with my attorney for about 5 minutes then the hearing proceeded. Not a good beginning. After 45 minutes of questioning, the vocational rehabilitation person stated that I could not perform any of my previous employment and that she would not be able to provide other employment for me. The judge then offered me disability income without a year and a half back pay or I could appeal. I took the diability. This was unpresendented for this head judge to rule during the hearing and definately come to a full conclusion while the hearing was taking place. Thanks for your prayers and a special thanks to our Father tha****ches over us and can move seemingly insurmountable mountains to provide for us! Praise God!