I need your prayers
Hello I am new to this board. I am having the open gastric bypass procedure on Dec. 13th at Memorial City Hospital in Houston Texas. I am very nervous. I am the mother of four children ages 9, 5, 4, and 2. I have been married for 10 years to Pastor C.L. Yancy Sr. With all of my pregnancies I was gestataional diabets and had to take insulin shots and balloned by 100 lbs. I am now 130 lbs over weight for my height and weight. I was raised in the Baptist church am I am the daughter of father who was chairman of the deacon board and then a minister. I love God with all of my heart and I began a personal relationship with him when I was 14 years old. I am now 32 years old. Lately, I have had bouts of bitterness because of wounds that I have received as a young pastor's wife in the church. Food has been a great consoler for me - b/c it never changed. When I was depressed about finances or a curt word from a member I ran to food for a mental suppressant and after eating I would fee so much better about the situation that had me down. In essence, food became my drug. And now I am going to be restricting my best friend but I know I must do this to live a healthy life and fight the onset of full blown diabetes. God has been good to me in spite of what I may or may have not done for him. It took me 1 1/2 years to get approved for this surgery and Satan is making me doubt my decision to get healthy and take care of myself. So please lift me up in prayer for a safe surgery procedure and an even safer recovery period. I am scheduled to be off from my job as a 7th grade middle school Texas history teacher for 4 weeks. I will be 33 years on December 25th so this is another precious gift from God to me. I thank Him so much for approval for this surgery and the persistence and will He gave me to see it through. Hello all, my name is Kimberley and I love Jesus!
You are in my prayers Kimberley. I am just starting my journey and I know it could be at least a year so I expect Satan to do his part to discourage me, BUT I truly believe that through my daily prayer to my dear Lord and Savior that he will move any mountains that Satan tries to put in my path if it is truly His will for me to have WLS for my health. And I have asked him if it is not in His plan for me that he will make a wall so thick that nothing will penetrate it. I have faith he will steer me in the right direction and I know he will keep your path clear on the way and will have his angels all about you for surgery. Praise God for his mercy, love and grace. You will be in my thoughts and prayers as your day approaches. God Bless. Sister-in-Christ, Diana.
Hi Kimberley,
I know your story so well. As a pastor and the wife of a pastor, the issues we deal with range from wifely responsibilities, to responsibilities when dealing with no-too-nice comments from others. Food easily becomes the one thing that doesn't talk back, and is always there when you think noone else. We take Christ of the throne and put food there!
Don't let the enemy get you down, girl. Take a deep breath and give it over to the Father, even if you have to do it minute by minute. I'm two and a half months post op, and I do remember how stressful it was before surgery.
I'll say a prayer for you tonight, and if you ever need prayer or an ear to listen to, my email address is: [email protected]