Post-op considering Abortion, READ PLEASE!!!!
For a brief moment this afternoon a WLS member in California posted a question on the main board about having an abortion. She stated she was three months post-op. I was able to email her before the posting was yanked off. So I am asking that everyone pray for her to respond to my email. I can't help but feel there is something more to the situation other than being 3 mos. post-op. Please Pray that Holy Spirit will burden her heart to fall in love with her child and carry it, (if it's safe of course).
I hope she emails back.
Trusting God to work it all out,
I have a burden for this issue. I enjoyed two years as a volunteer at a Crisis Pregnancy Center. I'm looking forward to returning one day. It is an awesome place to be. Many women came to know Christ through that Center.
I haven't heard from this person yet, but still praying for her.
Oh, also I noticed yeterday that someone put up a birth announcment on the main message board within hours of the first one, she was post-op by a year or so I think. God works!
Maybe she was able to see it herself and gave time to some real insightful thinking.
By the way Little Missy Geri V., how are things going? I smile when I think of you.
Love Sally
I used to do volunteer work for one too. I was what they called the friends cordinator. I would set the volunteers up with the pregnant gals so they could mentor them during their pregnancy. The first friend I ever had, I invited her to my wedding.
Will our pastor was late getting to the church on time so our wedding was delayed.
Will guess what as soon as I was walking down the isle here comes her and her brother. I found out afterwards that her and her brother had been in a big fight. She finally apoligized so he would take her to the wedding. Then she forgot her shoes and had locked the door. She had to crawl through the window to get them. If the pastor had been on time she would have missed the wedding. I was always so happy the God made the pastor late that day.
Anyway I;m doing really well. We have our home up for sale so I have been a busy little bee trying to keep it clean. I wish I could keep it clean without having to have a reason. Homeschooling has it's bad days and its good days. Wondering if I should switch curriculumm. But all and all I am so blessed to be able to be a big part of their lives. Will little Miss Sally

Geri Dear
It is a real joy to do work for thr Lord. There are a couple of ladies I will never forget and wonder how they are doing today. Once my husband has completed Seminary and the youngest is older I may consider going back. I really would like to help in the Lord's work with the survivors of abortion. Grace is abundant through our Savior. I want to see woman come to a place in their lives when they can deal with their abortion(s), and through Christ remove the veil of sin and shame and heal their little broken hearts. Then the Lord can behold their beautiful faces and fellowship with them.
Jeepers I am fighting the tears of rejoicing, of when we behold the Father's grace, in it's fullness. And knowing there is enough for everyone. Even those poor victims of Satan's lie, the lie called "pro-chioce"
Well I better get down off my soap box. I get dizzy up there with emotion sometimes.
I can tell through your postings that you love your husband & family very
much. Homeschooling is a challange for sure. You can do it! I had trouble with English. I never liked in school when I was young. Now History and Writing, ooooo fav.
My son Seth (the 10 y/o) has a different way of learning then the other two. He is a little more work. But he also very insightful and entertaining.
Keep your face to the heavens and the Lord will honor your dedication to your home and family.
Lots of love through JC~
Oh you are so right Sally. I went to a work shop while doing volunteer work to heal from my past. My mom had 4 or 5 abortions. I was supposed to be one of them, but she didn't have the money she told me to have one. (Praise God for that). The director of the pregnacy center wanted me their. It was for women who had abortions. They came in so broken hearted, feeling like God could never love them and walked away so in love with Jesus. It was very eye opening to see how Satan lied to them for so long.
They did learn the Grace of God, and how truly much he loved them, no matter what they did in the past.
How old are your two other kids? I thought they were older for some reason. Will gots to go.

Yep, my oldest two are from my first marriage (before I was saved). Kelly Jo is 25 and Dallas Joseph is 23. They were born in Denver, (that's home sort of). I am a grandmommy too. My 6 y/o grandson is named Christian.
My daughter had her son alone and become a wonderful mommy, they live in Durham NC. She is a property manager like myself. My son is single and living in Baltimore, and is a journeyman plumber with dreams of getting his engineering degree.
Thru my daughter's experiences I am able to understand the fear of raising a child alone and being just out of high school.
And by my own terrible experiences of enduring 2 abortions, I am able to offer help. I am grateful beyond expression the Lord showed me where to find the help to heal, recover, forgive myself and the father.
The Lord is awesome. Without him in my life, I would have continued making one bad decision after another, continuing to hurt myself and innocent others.
I sing of his mercies forever and ever.
Have beautiful day in Jesus, Geri dear
Sally, Will get out of here
We have so mu*****ommon. I have two adult children also. I am the proud grandma of a 7 year old granddaughter and a two year old grandson. My daughter had her daughter out of wedlock. The father of my granddaughter tried to talk my daughter into an abortion
but Praise Jesus my daughter said no. My son is married doing really well with his family but they do not know the Lord.
With my two older kids I was a single mom and did not know the Lord. I feel like he has given me a second chance to experience having a family with him as head of the household. And for that I was always be so grateful.
Blessings to you