What is wrong with me....
I'm still waiting for insurance approval. This is a record long approval for my insurance company. This I was I was told by the customer service person who checked my claim yesterday on the phone. I keep wondering, Is there something wrong? Did my doctors office forget something? She said I should have had an answer weeks ago. This wait is killing me as I know it does for everyone. It is so hard for me, I can't stay focused on anything else. I've left surgery comments for everyone with upcoming surgery through the end of the year. I've memorized this website. Maybe I should go back to ebay and bid on something really big... I do want a camper....
Every night (and day) I pray for Gods will but right now I don't feel his presence. I've put it in his hands so many times, but I keep taking it back. I just worry and worry. I'm an old girl so many its premenopausal. I feel like such a baby. I am probably the most fortunate person in the world. My house has not been blown away in a hurricane I have a wonderful husband, my cats adore me (when they want to), My family is all alive and well, I have a nice house and car. I have a job and have a comfortable life and I don't live in a place like Iraq. If i wasn't a Christian I would go to the bar and get tanked, but instead I just stay home and eat. I keep this up and I'll be super morbidly before surgery and have to lose 50 lbs before they will do a lap on me. I'd like to ask if this is normal. How can this be normal for someone who puts her faith in God to do His will for her life? I guess what I am saying is PRAY FOR ME please
I continue to pray for all of you in my daily prayers. I almost posted this anomomously because I don't want everyone to know what a baby I can be....but here I am in all my worldly glory! Thanks for your prayers. Lots of love and hugs!

Hi Candy,
I am new to this site. I haven't even had my first visit with my PCP. That's on Oct 5th. It is good that you put this in Gods hands. That is what I am having trouble doing right now. I know I should but what if.......... I know that doesn't sound like a christian should.
You are not a big baby. You are human. Dear Lord, please help Candy thru the waiting. You know how committed she is to this. Please fill her with your peace. In Christs name, Amen.
Please take it easy Candy. Try a walk instead of food when the stress comes on. I know easier said than done. I will be praying.
In christian love,
Hi Candy, I just finished writing you a post, and when I tried to put a little smiley face on it, it disappeared. It must be out in la la land. Anyway sweetie hang in there. So many of us (will I guess speaking for myself) have felt those feelings. (((God)))....Where are you????? I easily grow impatient with God's delays. But in due time he always answers them. Hang in there sweetie, keep making the phone calls to the doctor's and insurance office and in know time it will happen.
PS. Im not going to put up an icon this time. Just picture a little smiley face next to my name.
Hi Candy!
I'm right there with you, my friend! I've been waiting for my approval since September 1st, when I got all my paperwork in to my surgeons office to be faxed to my insurance company. It is frustrating to wait for something we want SOOOO bad.
I am on one of those non-ending eating fests myself and am totally out of control too... can't seem to help myself. Lord....please lend us a hand in this area!
One thing that reassures me is that I am confident that the Lord wants this for me and that He will make this happen...BUT.... it will happen in His time, not mine. His thoughts are so much larger than mine and remembering that gives me the assurance that He will make this happen when the time is perfect for me. Any other time but His time would be real scary.
This doesn't mean that I don't get discouraged or impatient....because do I ever! The good thing is the Lord has a subtle way of bringing me back down and helping me to focus on other things rather than having this surgery done. Unfortunately that has kept me from posting here as often. I do keep tabs on this forum and believe me.... this will be the first place I come when I get a date!!!! Until then, I pray that the Lord give us the patience and the insight to remember that His plan is always the best one!!! Lord knows, I need that reminder at least once a day!!!
God Bless! Shirlene