Praise be to God!!!
Hi Geri! I believe that this site can be as busy as the main board! With God all things are possible. I know there are enough believers on here that we can make it busy! I love the fellowship of my sisters and brothers in the Lord. God is good all the time, All the time God is good. Be blessed! Randall
Hi Geri, Corinn here. It is a blessing that God directed me to this board. A little about me: I am 36.......seems wierd, I don't feel 36. I have 4 kids. 16 yr old step son, he lives with his mom,15 yr old step daughter, who lives with us, an 8 yr old son and last but not least a 3 yr old daughter. To say the least I am busy. I run a home day care. I had 5 children but am now down to 3. Next month I will be back up to 5. You live in my home state. I have realitives that live in El Cajon. I was born and raised in Modesto. I moved to Virginia b/c my husband was in the Navy. That marriage didn't last. I am sure that didn't last b/c I got away from the Lord for many, many years. I have been back activley in church for 5 yrs now. I married my currant husband 8 yrs ago. I have never been happier. I know it is due to the Lord working in my life. Thank you for caring enough to say a prayer for me and my husband. Hope to hear from you.

Howdy Corinn, thank you for letting us know a little about you. I live pretty close to El Cajon. That's where my brother lives. Let me know if you ever come out here to visit. Will get together and talk. How do you get those little people to come up. Like the one that's right next to your name. I tried and tried but just can't seem to do it.
To the right of your message that you type, there is a blue bar( at least it'ds blue on mine) that reads message emoticons. Click on the arrow and a drop down list shows you how to do it. Like the smiley face is colon hyphen curved bracket(above 0). The waving guy is colon, spell out wave, colon. hope this helps some.

Hello Corinn, I just tried doing this on another post, so Im going to try again. I see the blue tool bar. I've opened up the Message Emoticons
I've typed out
. Let me see where do I type in wave,colon. I think Im stuck again. Where do I spell the word out. On this page are on the emticons page. I know Im really slow. Once I get i****ch out though, I will be having little pictures all over my posts.
Thanks Geri