RE: where is everyone?
Everyone must be so busy....I eat up all the posts as I wait and begin the process of trying to get approval for surgery again!
LOL me lonely here and not seeing much activiy.
I'm glad you all are healthy enough to keep busy and
keep yourselves going!!!!
I have a consultation on October 4th, and all ready have a lot of the paper work and medical records together. The receptionist that handles this stuff told me I have a huge jump on things.
She says I could have surgery as early as November or December if this keeps up. With my Medicaid they have only done 3 with medicaid and all only took two weeks to approval with no problems. She said from my information she sees mine to be no problem.
Keep praying I ask, as I pray for all of your continued success and succes in others' journy.
Yhea, someone else is on the board. How's it going Katie. I miss seeing all the post too. But life seems to get so busy after school starts. Oh my goodness, you may be having surgery has early as November or Dec. I am so happy for you. Will keep that in prayer. Once you get the date, it seems so much more real and hopefully the time will pass quicker. Until then may you be blessed.
God bless
Hi Katie, Corinn here in Va Beach, VA. I found this site last night. I am sssoooooooo thankful to see a christian site. I am just begining my process. I have my first consult with my PCP on Oct 5th. I already called my ins. and they said that I have to be under dr supervised diet for 6 mos then I can start sending my letters. It seems like such a long time. I just have to put this all in Gods hands. If he wants this for me, it will be. God Bless each of us on this site.